Asian Open Armwrestling Championships
Hosted by Asian Armwestling Federation
2015 Schedule
April 1-2-3 Team Arrivals at the Antalya Airport only
April 04 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Team Registration & Weight-In
5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Referee Seminar
6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Continental Meetings
April 05 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Opening Ceremonies
10:30 a.m. Start of Competition
-18 juniors Boys & Girls Left & Right Hands (26)
Masters Men & Women Left & Right Hands (18)
Grand Masters Left & Right Hands (8)
Senior Grand Master Left & Right Hands (6)
Disabled Men & Women Left & Right Hands (12)
Final-Awards Ceremony (72classes)
April 06 9:30 a.m. Start of Competition
-21Youth Boys & GirlsLeft Hand (11)
Men & Women Left Hand (18)
Final-Awards Ceremony (29 classes)
April 07 9:30 a.m. Start of Competition
-21Youth Boys & Girls Right Hand (11)
Men & Women Right Hand (18)
Final-Awards Ceremony (29 classes)
6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m weighing to the International tournamentfor the prizes of Ferite Osmanli
April 08 9:00a.m. Start of Competition International tournament
for theprizes of Ferit Osmanli
April 08 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Team Departure
2015 Weight Classes
MASTER Division – 40 years and over – $40.00 per arm per class
Men’s Right and Left Hand Classes 70 kg, 80 kg, 90 kg, 100 kg, 100+ kg
Ladies Right and Left Hand Classes 60 kg, 70 kg, 80 kg, 80+ kg
GRAND Master Division – 50 years and over $40.00 per arm per class
Men’s Right and Left Hand Classes 75 kg, 90 kg, 100kg,+100 kg
SENIOR GRAND Master Division – 60 years and over $40.00 per arm per class
Men’s Right and Left Hand Classes 75 kg, 90 kg, 90+ kg
DISABLED Division – $20.00 per arm per class
Men’s Right and Left Hand Classes 60 kg, 75 kg, 90 kg, 90+ kg
Ladies Right and Left Hand Classes 60 kg, 60+ kg
SENIOR Division – $40.00 per arm per class
Men’s Right and Left Hand Classes 55 kg, 60 kg, 65 kg, 70 kg, 75 kg, 80 kg, 85 kg, 90 kg, 100 kg, 110 kg, 110+ kg
Ladies Right and Left Hand Classes 50 kg, 55 kg, 60 kg, 65 kg, 70 kg, 80 kg, 80+ kg
-18 JUNIORS(1997 and less )Division – $20.00 per arm per class
Girls Right and Left45kg,50kg, 55 kg, 60 kg, 65kg,70kg,70+ kg
Boys Right and Left 50kg,55kg, 60 kg, 65 kg, 70 kg, 75kg,80 kg, 80+kg
-21 YOUTH (1994-1996) Division – $20.00 per arm per class
Girls Right and Left50kg, 55 kg, 60 kg, 65kg,70kg,70+ kg
Boys Right and Left 55kg, 60 kg, 65 kg, 70 kg, 75kg,80 kg,85kg,90kg,90+kg
Team Schedule of Events
IMPORTANT: All completed registration forms must be sent to the
General Secretary, Mr. FIKRAT KERIMOV, by Monday, March 02, 2015
(A Fine of $50 US will be charged to Countries, which do not send their registration on time)
NOTICE TO ALL: Countries will only be allowed to make 5 changes to the
Registration Form once they have sent it to the General Secretary. Every change made after March 02,will be fined $20 US for each change made.
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
1) Only one person per country & translator will be allowed to enter the Register Room.
2) The Country Representative must bring with them the following:
Completed Team Registration Form
Passport or Photo ID for each competitor
$40 or $20 fee per class per arm per competitor in US dollarsonly.
If any of these items are missing, the Country will need to come back when they
have the complete Team Registration. No exceptions will be made.
3) No Countries will be registered for the Championships after 1:00 p.m.
4) The AAF Team will then
Photocopy each passport or photo ID
Make necessary changes and Approve Registration Form
Accept Individual Registration Fees & Country Fee
Prepare Official Receipt
PLEASE NOTE: Any country, requiring Official Documents to be stamped with the AAF Official
Stamp, must bring these documents to Registration.
TEAM WEIGH-IN – 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
1) If a Country is late for their Weigh-in time, they must wait until the last team has been
weighed-in before the team can be weighed-in. PLEASE do not be late.
2) English speaking Team Manager or Captain must be present during the full weigh-in
3) Only 1 team at a time will be allowed into the weigh-in room. All other teams must wait
in a separate area for their Team to be called.
4) Each team must come to weigh-in in the following manner:
junior girls 45kg,50kg, and so on
junior boys 50kg,55kg, and so on
Youth girls 50 kg, 55 kg, and so on
Youth boys 55 kg, 60kg..and so on
Ladies 50 kg, 55 kg, 60 kg ……and so on
Men’s 55 kg, 60 kg, 65 kg …….and so on
Master & Grand Master& Senior Grand Master
5) Once a person is weighed-in they will then go to have their photo taken.
Once the photo is taken the competitor then leaves the weigh-in area immediately.
6) The Team Manager will stay until his last competitor has weighed-in and has had his
photo taken.
Please Note:
If a competitor does not make weight, they have until 5:00 p.m.,
April06, to make weight.
A test scale will be made available for competitors
A Competitor only has two attempts at official weigh-in scale
A Competitor may only weigh-in between other countries
Official Event Badge:
Any Officials with a Country must be present at Weigh-in to have photo and badge prepared.
Badges will be given to the Team Captain at the competition days.
Badges must be worn at all times during competition days.
To one person per night (including Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner)
Accommodation of all athletes, coaches and judges at the hotel of “WOW KREMLIN PALACE” (five stars) Antalya City (Turkey) with good lodging (3 times per day) (Buffet) and sports complex, the total cost is $ 60 US per person. I fill it out, and, please send a matter necessary for the Travel Information that there is the attached sheet and hotel name and the number (single & double) of the room by an email to the following address. I adhere rigidly untilMarch 02, 2015.
In case you may not attach it, because it becomes the reservation order, please warn the hotel.
Reservations: Email: fikrat_kerimov@mail.ru (Fikrat Kerimov)
Free Pick-up BUS existence from each Hotel to a Championship Sport Hall
Arrangements have been made to facilitate Visa procedures,
Contact: Fikrat Kerimov at fikrat_kerimov@mail.ru.for your official AAF Invitation to be sent by mail, faxed or emailed to you. You must include the names, passport numbers, date of birth and nationality of each person you wish to receive a Visa entry to the TURKEY
Competitor Name Passport # Date of Birth # Nationality
Visit: fikrat_kerimov@mail.ru. for more information and to apply for a visa.
It will take approximately 6 to 8 weeks to process your Visa application, if you wait until the lastminute we will not be able to help you.
Will be supplied from the Antalya Airport only to the Hotel in approximately 1 hour from the airport. Round trip transportation will be supplied for a fee of
To register for Transportation please log on to.
You will need to complete a form and pay the fee. A confirmation will be sent to you upon
Each country starter takes part in a championship in National T-shirt (uniform).
I do the T-shirt (team T-shirts) except the uniform with disqualification.
In addition, it is sweat pants, training shoes wearing. ( jeans and the shorts sandals are disqualified, too)
Black Pants, Black Shoes of the stripe Shirt (WAF rule) Black that the referee is monochrome Perform.
Email: fikrat_kerimov@mail.ru (Fikrat Kerimov)
Source: armsport-rus.ru
Venue of competition: Antalya City (Turkey) Hotel “WOW KREMLIN PALACE”
Date of competition: 07.04- 08.04.2015,
7th of April from 18:00 to 19:00 registration and weighing
8th of April at 9:00 beginning of the competitions
Weight categories:
Men: right hand 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 + 100kg.
left hand 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 + 100kg.
Females: right hand 60, 70 + 70kg.
left hand 60, 70 + 70kg
Entry fee: $ 50 per hand.
The winners of weight categories will be awarded by diplomas, medals and prize money of US $ 500.
Awardees 2nd and 3rd places will be awarded by diplomas, medals and surprise prizes from Ferit OSMANLI (Turkey)
Fikrat Kerimov +998903542475
Ferit Osmanlı +905346663081
E-mail: fikrat_kerimov@mail.ru
E-mail: ottomanarmwrestling@hotmail.com
WOW Kremlin Palace 2013
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Source: wowresorthotels