“Arm Wars is the world’s leading professional armwrestling promotion, matching up the best armwrestlers from across the globe across 6 explosive rounds of combat and strength!”
Arm Wars – Pro Arm Wrestling Super Series- Mr Olympia 2014
After the huge success of Arm Wars “High Stakes” at Olympia 2012 & Arm Wars “Vengeance” at Olympia 2013 standby for Arm Wars “High Rollers” at this years Olympia event.
Arm Wars is the professional TV armwrestling super series featuring an explosive mix of strength and combat which makes for an ultimate challenge of raw power, speed, technique and endurance. Arm Wars has taken armwrestling out of its tournament based environment and carefully matched the very best wrestlers in one off bouts consisting of 6 exhausting rounds. The action take place on a specially designed table which can yield the most incredible battles, some of which end with the wrestlers having to be strapped together to ensure a winner.
Pro Rules and a range of signature and counter techniques are all wrapped in a high energy commentary by arguably the world’s leading authority on the sport and creator of Arm Wars, Neil Pickup.
Arm Wars is the only global promotion showcasing some of the best wrestlers and characters from all corners of the globe with athletes holding national, international and world titles. The stage at Olympia will be ignited by the energy and power of wrestlers such as America’s own Arm Wars world champions Geoff “The Haleraiser” Hale and Craig Tullier.
Armwrestling is one of the world’s oldest of sports and this series features jaw dropping feets of strength and charged up warrior characters as they continue their ambition to become champion of Arm Wars!
Arm Wars is proud to return for the third successive year to Mr Olympia.
For further information contact:
Email: info@fightersinc.net
Web: www.ArmWars.com
FRIDAY – September 19
10:00 AM
Arm Wars Super Series – High Rollers (click for more info) Las Vegas Convention Center – South Hall
Free with your Expo Ticket
SATURDAY – September 20
10:00 AM
Arm Wars Super Series – High Rollers (click for more info) Las Vegas Convention Center – South Hall
VIP Free with your Expo Ticket