UPDATE: The winner is Dolan Mayorga, because no one else tried.
The correct answer is 01 June 2006. To get the correct answer you only had to search on Google: armbets.tv launched. And one of the results (5th) was this topic from northeastboard.com (2006): NEW INTERNET TV!!!
The first person who gives the correct answer to this question will receive a PROMO CODE offered by ArmBets.TV.
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The Question:
When it was launched ArmBets.TV, for the first time ?
You can guess the year, but the correct answer should be like this: day.month.year.
You can answer the question by leaving a comment to this article.
The question is asked by XSportNews.com and the PROMO CODE will be offered by ArmBets.TV. There will be other contests like this one, stay tuned. 🙂
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Armbets.tv – facebook: ” Real Armwrestling – Episode #4
Take a look on intro video from Real Armwrestling – Episode #4.
Full video here: http://www.armbets.tv/videos_ppv.html “