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Brzenk, Chaffee, ToddZilla but no Cyplenkov at A1 Russian Open 2015 ?

Two weeks ago, when it was posted VIDEOS: Denis Cyplenkov 2 x 150 kg, Denis Cyplenkov was asked in the comments section why it is written 2 instead of 3 reps and if he will go to A1 Russian Open 2015.

Denis Cyplenkov’s answer: ” Первый не зафиксировал!) тренер не засчитал!) А1 в этом году пропускаю! Это не моя вина! Пусть это останется на совести некоторых товарищей! ”

Google Translate: ” The first did not record!), The coach did not count!) A1 this year miss! It’s not my fault! Let it remain on the conscience of some comrades! “
Let’s hope Cyplenkov will change his mind. From what I remember, at a previous edition he also said he will not go, but in the end someone managed to change his mind. 🙂
And now the good news, Bob Brown announced this yesterday on facebook:
Bob Brown – facebook: ” Looks like we are all going back to A1 this year. “
Bob Brown, John Brzenk, "ToddZilla" Todd Hutchings, Dave Chaffee before A1 Russian Open 2014 │ Photo Source: Allison Renoos Hutchings
Bob Brown, John Brzenk, “ToddZilla” Todd Hutchings, Dave Chaffee before A1 Russian Open 2014 │ Photo Source: Allison Renoos Hutchings
Allison Renoos Hutchings (23 July 2014): ” The United States of America vs. the World “

A1 Russian Open is still on the first position in ► POLL: The Armwrestling Tournaments with The Highest Level – Best Armwrestlers Competing

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