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Maryana Naumova is a very strong 13 year old girl (Benches 240lb RAW – see the video below).
Vladimir Kravtsov (aka. Uncle Vova), Maryana Naumova and Denis Cyplenkov:

13 year old girl Benches 240lb RAW
Published on 17 Mar 2013
MARYANA NAUMOVA, 13 years old, from russia benches 240 pounds RAW at the MHP power pitt at the 2013 Arnold Classic. MARYANA is a huge fan of dana and brought her a hand painted nesting doll!!!!!
Source: DanaLinnBailey
The next video has subtitles and is about the powerlifter Vladimir Kravtsov (aka. Uncle Vova). Denis Cyplenkov also appears in the video from 18:48 in a bench press attempt:
After Play ► Press the ^^ cc button for subtitles
Source: DmitryKasatov
RAW bench press 305 kg from Vladimir Kravtsov. World record.
Published on 24 Dec 2012
WPA Russia Cup 2012 bench press. Vladimir Kravtsov 305 kg, world record. 23/12/2012
Source: DmitryKasatov