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Devon Larratt wins the Victory Motorcycle at WAL Las Vegas, Todd Hutchings trying 2 keys

Devon Larratt wins the Victory Motorcycle at WAL Las Vegas │ Photo Source: World Armwrestling League
Devon Larratt wins the Victory Motorcycle at WAL Las Vegas │ Photo Source: World Armwrestling League

World Armwrestling League: ” Check out this Victory Motorcycles bike we gave away in Vegas! Each first place winner got a key and whoever’s started the bike got to keep it. Congrats Devon, we hope you’re riding it all over Canada this summer! #WALbadass — with Devon Larratt at House Of Blues Mandalay Bay. “

World Armwrestling League:

” DEVON LARRATT of Ottawa wins the Victory bike AND $2000.00!!! The excitement in this room is absolutely crazy! #WALbadass

The bike was a surprise reveal – each 1st place winner in the finals got a key and whoever’s key started the bike… took it home! — with Devon Larratt at Las Vegas, Nevada. “

Devon Larratt:

” Crazy amazing weekend. So cool to get to travel with the team and have us all do well.

Overall was thrilled to finally have the match with Christian Binnie that i have been looking for the last decade +

Happy to get Back in the game with the right, sore in only good ways, so i am really thrilled to be able to push my game mor i don’t feel like i am too far off… Much respect to Dave and Brandon i will be workin to get up to your guys’ level.

Loved the event. Extremely well run I will do everything i can to be in Chicago, Brooklyn and New Orleans. Thanks WAL!!!
And, of course it is now time to get a Bike License!!! “


The next video shows  trying 2 keys to start the Victory bike, because he was the only armwrestler who won 2 classes:

WAL World Armwrestling League Vegas Event Motorcycle
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Source: Allison Hutchings

Allison Renoos Hutchings:

” WAL also gave away a MOTORCYCLE!! Toddzilla won BOTH left and right arm in his weight class at World Armwrestling League’s Vegas event. In ADDITION to their prize money, each winner was given a key to a chance at the motorcycle. Todd had 2 of the keys for winning both left and right in his class. I didn’t film Devon winning it, just Todd not winning it . Congratulations Devon Larratt!! “

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