Original – bracciodiferroitalia.it │ Google Translate:
” Here are two exciting challenges that will liven up the evening of Saturday, February 23 at SuperMatch 2013.
I am very satisfied with these two proposals! SuperMatch like to propose the match with the highest possible level in Italy. For this year I decided to make just two but of great quality. Unfortunately, three of our star players were not available because they are currently injured: John Nimis ,Guatta Cristian Gasparini and Hermes . Besides, these samples have concluded a great year and now I hope you will resume as soon as possible for important events of 2013.
Lamparelli and hood face really two great champions foreigners.
Bieli Silvan know him for years because he has attended our events. The Swiss giant is a world-class 100Kg. Him and our hood have dealt several times with different results always. Certainly give rise to a great show!
Terence Opperman has to talk about themselves in recent years. The South African athlete was present at 95Kg best league in the world, made a challenge with John Brzenk, and is currently 3rd in the world 100Kg right behind Liliev and Kostadinov! Him and our Lamparelli have never met, the outcome of this fight is absolutely unpredictable.
As you will read later, the League of northern Italy on March 23 in Brescia , there will be a challenge just between Lamparelli and hood . Both being two 110Kg and with similar structures, always give rise to exciting fights.
Now we put a lot ‘of irons in the fire for the first part of 2013, do not miss important appointments, the show is guaranteed!
We are waiting for all the great SuperMatch 2013! “
Original – bracciodiferroitalia.it │ Google Translate
See other articles about 8th Super Match 2013 – Brescia, Italy – 23 February 2013