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German athletes risk jail time for doping, Russia prepares a similar law

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” German athletes risk jail time for doping

German athletes found guilty of doping or in possession of performance-enhancing drugs risk a three-year prison sentence, according to a new anti-doping law which came into effect in the new year.

German Athletics Association (DLV) president Clemens Prokop said the new anti-doping law was an “international model” and would be used to “defend and protect” both athletes and sport’s credibility, during a recent interview with Bavarian radio.

German Justice Minister Heiko Maas added: “This is a declaration for clean sport and of support for all athletes who compete cleanly and fairly.”

According to the new legislation, athletes who test positive for prohibited substances or are caught in possession of doping products are liable to face a punishment of up to three years in prison.
Jail terms can be as much as 10 years for anyone who provides doping products to athletes, such as doctors and coaches. “



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The draft law on the criminalization of doping in sport will be ready by February

MOSCOW, Dec. 18. / Correspondent. Albert Starodubtsev TASS /. Working Group on the legislative activities of the Expert Council under the State Duma Committee on Physical Culture, Sport and Youth Affairs in February 2016 to prepare a draft law on the introduction of criminal liability for violations of doping in sport. This was announced after a meeting of the Expert Council, which was held on Friday.

Responsible for the preparation of this document was appointed president of the National Association of Lawyers of Russia sports Sergey Alexeev.

“The introduction of criminal responsibility for doping purports to prevent the violation – said Alekseev. – It should scare the same coach and the doctor who not only would give illegal drugs, but also to monitor their athlete. We believe that there must be a separate criminal article, or more. “

“We have a very serious punishment for the decline in drug use. We suggest that the responsibility for the decline of athletes for doping should be as severe. The penalty for this offense shall not be less than three years of imprisonment. Moreover, unscrupulous trainers and staff working with underage athletes, should be applied more severe punishment “, – he said.

Also, according to Alekseeva, should be introduced and the administrative liability for legal persons: the clubs, federations and their leaders. “If these organizations doping violations occur systematically, it is necessary to punish them money”, – said the president of the National Association of Lawyers of Russia sports.

Sports Minister Vitaly Mutko in mid-November, commenting on the doping scandal and the subsequent suspension of the Russian Athletics Federation’s membership in the International Association of Athletics Federations, made a proposal to enter into the Russian criminal liability for the use of performance-enhancing drugs. Criminal liability for doping introduced in many European countries: France, Italy, Finland, etc. “

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