Khadzimurat Zloev (2) – Rustam Babayev (1) – Roman Filipov (3)
│ Photo by: Andrew Franskevich – IronWorld.ru
Original – IronWorld.ru │ Google Translate:
” 13.12.2012 19:57:40
Today we bring you the famous Moscow athlete, two-time world champion, champion and multiple medalist of the European Roman Filippov.
Iron World : Hello, Roman! I want to ask you a few questions at the end of the year. What it turned out for you?
Roman Filippov: probably not very successful. The season was good – second place in the championship of Russia after Arsene Lilieva, but on “Europe” and “the world” to speak as I would like to, we can not. And here and there I stayed below the winners.
JM: What accounts for your poor start to the “Europe” and “the world”?
R. F: Very unfortunate I can not name them, positive emotions were there, too, because both championships in the competition, I won a victory over the silver medalists. Somewhere something is finalized, probably. And the old injury affected. Brachioradialis muscle pain will not let me turn on the way I used to.
JM: Why did you decide to skip this year’s Nemiroff World Cup?
R. A: I do not know. Decided after the “peace” more thoroughly prepare for the new season. Moscow preparing for the championship. In recent years I played for the Moscow region, but it was again returned to Moscow.
JM: Are you going to get prepared for the tournament, “New Year”?
R. F: Yes, I would.
JM: Your impressions about the tournament A1?
R. A: I really liked the level is high enough. There were, of course, some disadvantages, but I think the organizers of the competition they have used the A1 and 2013 will be held at a higher level.
JM: Do you plan to act on it?
R. F: Yes, if there is no injury, the plan.
JM: How do you feel about armfaytam?
R. F: Very good. In normal competition, much depends on the draw, the accidents. Referees make mistakes, or slept start … And here come two opponents for a few fights, and the role of chance is not great. Can lose one or two games, but then pick up the key to the enemy and eventually win.
JM: I know you’ve had experience in armfaytah …
R. F: Yes, three times I took part in them. Casimiro Iskanderova lost. But by armfaytu generally not prepared. Was told to come and do it as a show. So I did the show. And the next two – with Taimuraz Tsakhilov and Polish – I won. But they are very seriously preparing.
JM: What do you think, in connection with certain events that took place with Igor Mazurenko whether the system will continue to evolve armfaytov? After all, he was the main initiator of this trend. Whether there will be a armfaytami what happened with the Russian power extreme after the death of Vladimir Turchinsky?
R. F: I think that the recession will be first, because much has been constructed on the enthusiasm, the relationships and the enormous performance of Igor. But then the situation must be corrected. Americans with Canadians were regularly meet armfayty. The channel “Fighter” are often shown. Hopefully, one of the organizers A1 also undertake the development of this area.
JM: What are your plans for the next one in 2013?
R. F: Sign of the Russian team to get the opportunity to speak at European and world championships. And finally perform standard weathering.
JM: You have a lot to the left of it?
R. F: 25 points. A number of their gold medals and prizes from European and World Championships, I was speaking at the championships to another version, and a credit to me, they can not go. Again, the points we’re not in the amount of seats, but only one hand. For example, if at the European Championships finished second on his left hand, the third – on the right, then the credit is only the best result.
JM: Do not you going to increase your weight?
R. F: So far no such desire. And we’ll see.
JM: Do you use sports nutrition?
R. F: Yes, I use.
JM: And what are the main positions?
R. F.: Protein, amino acids, creatine and preparations for the joints and ligaments.
JM: What is doing now, in addition to sports?
R. F: I work at the bank’s general counsel.
JM: And what about the family?
R. F.: Excellent. I love my wife and son.
JM: How old is the boy?
R. F: Ten.
JM: Do you want it to go in your footsteps in the sport?
R. F: I think it is too early, but in two years you can try. Especially as he wants. But I think we should still get stronger.
JM: Thanks for the interview, Roman. We wish that all your plans come true, and you a Happy New Year!
Andrei Antonov Photo by: Andrew Franskevich ”
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