See ► RESULTS: Ivan Matyushenko wins the “Anas” mosque tournament in Chistopol │30 March 2013 ◄
▼ Ivan Matyushenko is in the next video from 12:10 and from 21:24. ▼
Всероссийский турнир на призы мечети “Анас” [Google Translate: Russia tournament for the prizes of the mosque “Anas”]
▼ Interview on TV with the organizer – Venera Urazgildeeva – in the next video from 0:12. ▼
Всероссийский турнир на призы мечети “Анас” [Google Translate: Russia tournament for the prizes of the mosque “Anas”]
Source: Чистопольская ассоциация армспорта