See all the articles about ► UAL III │ 23 March 2013 ◄

Robert Drenk – northeastboard:
The Ultimate Armwrestling League is proud to announce the Main Event at UAL III
“Super Heavy Weight World Title”
Total Purse is over $12,500
Current UAL Super Heavy Weight Undefeated World Champion Jerry “Big Daddy” Cadorette will be defending his title against the vicious “Monster” Michael Todd in a all out battle of 5 Rounds.
This is the match we’ve all been waiting for, there will be no filming this event other than Gurney productions, if you want to see it you must be there! The match will start at approx. 7:30pm sat March 23rd.
We will strictly enforce no cameras or cell phones for recording during this match or you will be escorted out of the venue and not allowed at any future UAL events. This match will be filmed for future airing on National Television.
Source: Robert Drenk – northeastboard