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Nikolay Mishta about A1 Russian Open 2014

Alexander Filimonov, Alexey Voevoda, Nikolay Mishta - A1 Russian Open 2012 │ Photo Source: [edited by]
Alexander Filimonov, Alexey Voevoda, Nikolay Mishta – A1 Russian Open 2012 │ Photo Source: [edited by]

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” Today we talk to a Master of Sports of Russia armsportu, vice president of PAA, organizer, promoter and principal patron armsportu in Russia – Nikolay Mishta.

Good afternoon, Nick!Now it is no secret that business competition armsportu brings no profit to the organizers, but on the contrary, requires huge investments, especially when it comes to such a grand event as «World armwrestling Grand Prix A1 Russian Open Rusartarhiv».Tell me how you came to the decision to organize and sponsor this event?Because, unfortunately, patronage in our country now – a rarity!And every year you pleasantly surprise all fans of arm wrestling!

Greetings! It’s simple – I’m a fan of arm wrestling and always dreamed that this wonderful sport actively developed, but someday (preferably in the next 10 – 15 years) became an Olympic sport. Actually, as soon as I grew as a professional, as a lawyer, and was earning enough money, and immediately proceeded to sponsorship. As for exactly A1 as the tournament – here, too, all TT solved. Met with President Alexander Filimonov PAA, Vice President Andrei Petrov and the head coach Arthur Aghajanian, we all discussed and decided on the format of the competition, in the past two years.

The question that bothers many athletes – whether this year on a selection of A1?In past tournaments Russian athletes could act only if the title “Master of Sports of Russia”, as will be the case at this year’s business for them, and for visitors from other states?
Good question. Indeed, it happens that the athlete de facto very serious level, but de jure title has, say, the CCM. It’s simple – who wants to participate in the tournament, let him write in a request PAA (indicating their results in competitions armsportu) and we’ll review it. As for the individual tournament or series of tournaments for “tolerance” to the A1, then today as a permanent system is unlikely. Well, athletes from other countries may be entered without restrictions.

In the announcement of the tournament does not say anything about women’s categories, they will not be this year?
And this is our “sick” issue. After the first A1 TV broadcasters to cooperate with us, immediately drew attention to nezrelischnoy female categories in connection with indecent small number of participants. And for us “picture” on the channel – this is one of the most important components of development arm wrestling as sports in general. Without popularity on TV armsportu nothing shines. So we asked the athletes themselves, “organize” and the next tournament to rectify the situation. However, it turned out worse – the girls did not even have enough to take the podium. Had, as you remember, do “absolyutku.” Under these conditions, prospects for women’s categories seems very little. That stated thirty people, even on absolyutku – consider. May extend the number of prizes that people are not afraid of leaders. In general, all in the hands of athletes.

Nevertheless, it is noteworthy that the athletes from the hearth, added category athletes visually impaired and hard of hearing.As competition regulations will be built?First selection disabled athletes, or they will fight along with categories male athletes?
Support for disabled athletes – one of the most important tasks of A1. Arm wrestlers disabled – most real “warriors” and they should be entitled to earn for their hard-earned cash. In the future, the trend will continue. Popularization of disabled armsportu also key to the development of our sport in general, as the road to the Olympic family is through the Paralympic Games. That’s where we just have to get in the coming years. World Championship for the disabled, which will be held by us recently established International Federation armsportu for persons with disabilities (IAFD – International Armsport Federation for Disabled) show the world the seriousness of our intentions.
As for the rules, everything will depend on the number of participants.

After the Russian Championship in 2014 was found 11 positive doping tests in athletes.This topic is now of concern to everyone, someone was speaking “for” conducting doping control someone “against.”And how do you see this problem?
I look at this problem is very simple: if we want to enter into the Olympic family, the doping control must be far. And our position will be strengthened, until we reach the standards of Olympic sports.

Now one can often hear the opinion that for professional tournaments, too, need a drug test.After all, almost all professional sports it is present.You’re not going to enter this procedure on the A1?
Excluded. Task A1 – promotion arm wrestling. Spend a significant finance doping controls within professional commercial tournament today is simply unreasonable. We are best spent on promotion, to reward athletes, etc.

Currently «World armwrestling Grand Prix A1 Russian Open Rusartarhiv» is the big-arm wrestling tournament in the world, with huge prize pools.But visitors from other states, and even more so from the ocean comes not so much.What do you think, why?Maybe – afraid of competition?
Can not be, and exactly. This was told to me directly, many foreign experts, judges, and the athletes themselves. Stars “worthless” to come to the tournament and, for example, generally hard to get into the top eight. Scale labor, the participants – all on the transcendent level that only the strongest can really expect a positive result on the A1. An example of this – part of one of the strongest athletes on the planet Krasimir Kostadinov. On the left hand, he did not even hit the top eight, and on the right took eighth place. But this is a world champion to 100 kg, the most powerful category! This year, he promised to improve your score on the order, we will wait.

What information support this year will be in the tournament?
It remains an open question. Goal number “one” – is to get the federal channel. We will do everything to achieve this.

How would you like to see your child in 5, 10 years?
My motto voiced Bonaparte – “Put impossible goals and reach possible.” In the long run, I see the main A1 Armwrestling competition after the Olympic Games. ”

Source: │ Google Translate

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