Andrey Pushkar, Alexey Semerenko, Allison Renoos Hutchings, Dave Chaffee in the hotel lobby (Moscow) before A1 Russian Open 2014 │ Photo Source: Allison Renoos HutchingsAndrey Pushkar, Alexey Semerenko, Dave Chaffee in the hotel lobby (Moscow) before A1 Russian Open 2014 │ Photo Source: Allison Renoos HutchingsTodd Hutchings, Alexey Semerenko, Andrey Pushkar, John Brzenk, Dave Chaffee in the hotel room (Moscow) before A1 Russian Open 2014 │ Photo Source: Allison Renoos Hutchings
Allison Renoos Hutchings: Ran into a couple guys in the lobby, looked like they may be here for the tournament so Bob gave them some pointers 😉
Alexey Semerenko, Allison Renoos Hutchings, Andrey Pushkar, hotel room (Moscow) before A1 Russian Open 2014 │ Photo Source: Allison Renoos Hutchings