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Your opinion on Devon Larratt’s Freedom Armwrestling
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” Freedom rules draft 1 –
a system which can be used on virtually any flat surface
Equipment –
Table/padding – can be done on any flat surface – playing area, table will be divided into 2 sides for pinning (pinning sides are the two sides divided diagonally across the table from the corner which is close to you on your shoulder side to the opposite corner), and 2 sides for ownership (divided at the middle of the table between the two competitors). table surface should be safe to arm wrestle on, if not padded, padding should be used to protect the elbow. lights may be used to indicate when arm wrestlers are in position where both are consenting to begin the match.
Chalk – permitted
Straps – double buckle strap for negotiated strap set ups and even slips, single buckle strap of various widths wrapped in the “fairer strap wrap” style for advantaged play, to be covered later in rules when each is applicable.
extra padding/permited clothing – if the table surface is hard, to protect the elbow padding underneath the elbow or a padded elbow sleeve is permitted. In no way will any sleeve be permitted that provides any advantage outside of safety. on a padded table clothing may be worn over the elbow to protect from friction burn.
Risers – competitors are permitted to put anything they want down as a riser on their “owned” side of the table. This may not be hazardous to either competitor
Match Initiation –
negotiated grip –
time athletes have to negotiate grip –
regular tournament preliminary rounds – 15-30 seconds + – with referees discretion
finals portion/supermatch format 1 min + – with referees discretion
During the negotiation process, any grip that the athletes consent to is acceptable. They may choose to move directly to strap (double buckle if available), start in hook, with pressure or without, or off of center of table if they so choose. when athlete is consenting to start match they will indicate with a push of the momentary switch on a table, or if unavailable/unable indicate verbally that they are good to start the match. If one athlete declines the option for negotiation this portion is ceased and competitors move directly to the set grip.
negotiated Matches will begin with the command “GO” from the referee when both competitors have sustained indications of consent (lights or verbal) while the competitors sustained positions are maintained.
If during negotiated grip it is obvious to referee that one athlete is clearly not attempting to get their grip, and the other athlete clearly is. the grip attempting athlete will be given the option to start in the strap in the set grip portion with buckle preference if applicable.
set grip –
If the set grip is used, athletes may choose to start with the strap, even if no slip has occurred * both athletes must consent to this*
match will be set with the central part of the wrist of each of the competitors together and in the center of the table. grip and position of body/elbow may be controlled by the referee to facilitate an even start.
to begin the process the command “set” is given. uninstructed movement after this command and before go will result in a foul
the referee will indicate to close the thumbs, then to close the hands. if the grip remains fair the match will start on the command go. If the grip is made unfair by any form of pressure a foul will be issued to the at fault competitor.
Winning –
to win the match 1) make any part of your opponents hand/wrist touch the table top or go beneath the table top
2) hold your competitor so that they are off of your pinning side of the table for a 3 count a) pinning side of the table never changes regardless of body position b) timing for count is roughly equivalent to one second / count
l3) have your opponent accumulate 3 fouls
Fouls/penalties –
stop match fouls – (restart the match from the initiation which it was last in negotiated or set) —
Any contact/actions or threat which is deemed to be outside of the agreed nature of the sport will result in a foul, match/event/venue/league ejection depending on the severity and nature.
uninstructed movement/pressure which affects the start of the match in the set grip format after command set and before the command go is given
dangerous position for amateur competition will be a foul, and match will be stopped, no dangerous position foul for pro level matches
running fouls – match does not cease until a competitor has met criteria for a win, a slip occurs or both competitors have accumulated at least one foul
the first competitor to accrue a running foul cannot win this portion of the match. if they do meet criteria for a win, they will restart the match with their accrued foul/s. The non fouling arm wrestler may continue with the match and win, but if they foul – a restart occurs with only the first to foul having their accrued foul/s carry over.
elbow fouls – any lifting of the elbow off of the table surface, or off any edge of the playing field is an elbow foul. if a foul is sustained, competitor will continue to accumulate fouls in uncorrected position.
Slip – all slips will go to straps as follows – if a neutral slip occurs, double buckle system will be used. If a competitor has accrued a running foul/s and a slip occurs the non – offending athlete may choose to restart the match with, or without the straps. Straps may be put on by competitors exclusively if they are still in and consenting to the negotiated set up. If one athlete had superior position when the slip occurred athletes will use the single buckle system with the advantaged athlete getting to choose which side the buckle is on.
non competing hand foul/ contact with competing arm foul – your non competing hand/arm may not contact your competitor in any way, this will be deemed a foul at minimum. you may not touch your competing arm/hand with any part of your body (eg. shoulder, head, non competing hand) this will result in a foul at minimum. if your opponent comes into your owned territory with their body and there is contact it will fall under the body contact foul
body contact foul – if competitors cross into they opponents owned territory and contact occurs, it will be received by the invader. you may not intentionally make contact with your non competing arm and this would still be a potential foul at minimum unless deemed unintentional. if the invader is encroaching on an established non competing hand hold, it will be a foul for the invader. invaders have no claim to non competing hand holds on non owned territory. contact underneath the table is not called unless it is considered to be unsportsmanlike, if this is the case it will be a stop match foul at minimum. ”
freedom practice
Source: Devon Larratt