ARM WARS Professional Armwrestling Super Series:
SOME LIKE IT HOT !!! get ready for ARM WARS “VENGEANCE” at The Mr. Olympia Expo Las Vegas, U.S.A. WE DON’T STOP !!!
ARM WARS Professional Armwrestling Super Series:
NEW ARM WARS Super Series Middleweight Champion of the World Right Handed – Craig Tullier of the United States of America. After winning a tightly contested WAR Vs. Niklas “AMBUSH” Nannestad of Sweden – 4 : 2
ARM WARS Professional Armwrestling Super Series:
STILL ARM WARS Super Series Middleweight Champion of the World Left Handed Niklas “AMBUSH” Nannestad of Sweden.
ARM WARS Professional Armwrestling Super Series:
What a fantastic weekend for the ARM WARS debutants like Steve “RAZOR” Rau (pictured below) who along with Scott Ballinger, Jordan Sill & others, proved that he is READY & ABLE to be a force in the Super Series !!!
ARM WARS Professional Armwrestling Super Series:
Jordan Sill’s opportunity to impress on a GLOBAL SCALE came at ARM WARS “VENGEANCE” Las Vegas……& when it came…..IT CAME HARD !!! watch out for this ULTRA EXCITING addition to the Super Series athlete roster. Regular viewers of the Show Worldwide will be seeing MUCH more of him !!!
ARM WARS Professional Armwrestling Super Series:
The ARM WARS Super Series would just like to thank all of the athletes & staff who have worked so hard on & off the table to make the “VENGEANCE” Las Vegas event such a huge success. Some of the best Armwrestling matches of all time took place in Sin City this weekend & all of the Blood, Sweat, Tears, Guts & Nuts, Pain & Glory was captured on Camera for millions of people around the World to enjoy & re-live in High Definition. Thank you again guys. YOU ARE ARM WARS !!!
ARM WARS Professional Armwrestling Super Series:
ARM WARS “VENGEANCE” in the books & another BIG WIN for the Professional Armwrestling Super Series !!!
ARM WARS Professional Armwrestling Super Series:
In only his second ARM WARS appearance Swedish standout Glenn “THE PROJECT” Bengtsson reached the Middleweight “BATTLEGROUND” Final after forcing Armwrestling Legend Andrew “COBRA” Rhodes to withdraw through injury after their 3 – 3 THRILLER at ARM WARS “VENGEANCE” Las Vegas.
ARM WARS Professional Armwrestling Super Series:
After a true Baptism of Fire at ARM WARS “VENGEANCE”, where he ran headlong into a HUGE & in form Jordan Sill, Chris Kaufman was re-focussed by his second round Victory in a WAR with a “BATTLE SCARRED” Devin Mackin, the debutant has vowed to return to the Super Series better prepared later this year or early in 2014. We look forward to seeing what improvements this new ARM WARS Heavyweight is able to make ahead of his return to the ARM WARS Stage.