Read also this article from Armpower.NET ► WAF AND EAF – “DEMOCRATIC” ORGANIZATIONS?
The second part of this official document is written in English language:
” It is hereby requested to include the following issues, put forward on behalf of the Russian Armsport Association into the agenda of the EAF 2015 Congress that is to take place in Sofia, Bulgaria.
Due to the screaming attempts to encroach power within EAF, facts of financial fraud within the organization, falsification of documentation, to consider:
1. To remove the EAF President Mr. Assen Hadjitodorov (Bulgaria) from his position, from May, 31, 2015 until the 2016 EAF Congress.
2. To remove the EAF Secretary General Mr. Mircea Simionescu-Simicel (Romania) from his position, from May, 31, 2015 until the 2016 EAF Congress.
3. To appoint Mr. Alexander Filimonov (Russia) as Acting EAF President from May, 31, 2015 until the 2016 EAF Congress.
4. To appoint Marian Capla (Slovakia) as both Acting EAF Secretary General and EAF Treasurer from May, 31, 2015 until the 2016 EAF Congress.
5. To consider any instructions from both Mr. Assen Hadjitodorov (Bulgaria) and Mr. Mircea Simionescu-Simicel (Romania) illegitimate commencing May 2015.
RAA President, 25.02.2015
A. Filimonov “
Source: │ Google Translate:
The site PAA covers in detail all stages of the crisis WAF.
Briefly summarizing, we can say the utter incompetence of Assen Hadzhitodorova (President WAF) and Mircea Simonesku (Chief Secretary WAF). In its opinion, we believe that these persons do not even cope with the elementary tasks to shoulder any manager junior managers such as:
– Providing premium merchandise champion and winner of the FIFA World armsportu 2014.
– Apologies for the insults Olesya Petrova (Romanenko) from one of the members of the WAF.
– Provided WADA Anti-Doping Code and the Anti-Doping Rules WAF public disclosure of the results of doping tests in a timely manner.This is not to mention the other complex issues and tasks assigned to these gentlemen sport community!
Moreover, as it became known from a letter published on the portal Igor Mazurenko, Assen Hadzhitodorov and Mircea Simonesku went a step that is not compatible with the concepts of honor and dignity, as well as the sports fraternity – to discredit IAFD, and thus the entire movement invariant -Sports in arm wrestling (see details here ).
Attempt to discredit IAFD, sabotage World Games IWAS, attempt to remove from the emerging Paralympic armwrestling people who have made every effort and time for Olympic dream disabled athletes can say only one thing – the personal ambitions and personal account for these “pseudo-leaders” above all else.
In this regard, federations interested in further successful development of arm wrestling in the world, at the proposal of the President of PAA Alexander Filimonov, decided to make a formal agenda EAF Congress 2015, which will be held in Sofia, the following questions:
1. to dismiss the president EAF Assen Hadjitodorov (Bulgaria) from 31 May 2015 to the Congress EAF 2016.
2. removed from his position of General Secretary EAF Mircea Simionescu-Simicel (Romania) to May 31, 2015 before the Congress EAF 2016.
3. Appoint Acting President EAF Alexander Filimonov (Russia) May 31, 2015 before the Congress EAF 2016.
4. Appoint Acting Secretary General and Treasurer EAF Marian Capla (Slovakia) from 31 May 2015 to the Congress EAF 2016.
5. To consider illegitimate to May 31, 2015 all orders Assen Hadjitodorov (Bulgaria) and Mircea Simionescu-Simicel (Romania).WAF crisis is nearing its final phase. We are sure – the majority of Member States on the WAF Congress will vote for development arm wrestling!
Press attache PAA
Ivan DobrorezovSource: │ Google Translate