” Shannon Larratt (September 29, 1973 – March 15, 2013) was the creator and former editor and publisher of BMEzine. It is the oldest and largest body modification website on the internet,[citation needed] as well as the companion online community site IAM.BMEzine.com. He also published several books, including ModCon: The Secret World Of Extreme Body Modification. He was an established online author, artist, computer programmer, film producer, and business owner. ” – Source: wikipedia.org
From Shannon Larratt’s blog (SHANNON LARRATT IS ZENTASTIC) ► Finita, la commedia ◄

Devon Larratt – facebook: ” i loved my brother very much. A bright light has left this world. He will be remembered well by all who knew him.. “
R.I.P. sincere condolences to his family.
R.I.P. sincere condolences to his family.
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