Special guests: Assen Hadjitodorov (Bulgaria) – The President of the European Armwrestling Federation (EAF) and of the World Armwrestling Federation (WAF),
Atilla Csabai (Hungary) – Vice-President of the European Armwrestling Federation (EAF),
Marian Capla (Slovakia) – Vice-President of the European Armwrestling Federation (EAF),
Mircea Simionescu-Simicel (Romania) – General Secretary of the European Armwrestling Federation (EAF) and of World Armwrestling Federation (WAF).
The strongest armwrestlers from 12 countries.
Entry fee: 20 Euro
Each competitor receives a T-shirt, certificate and accreditation.
Medals, cups, cash prizes.
THE BEST ZAGREB – Otvorenje sezone 2013/14.
Source: The Best Zagreb