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VIDEO: Alexey Voevoda: I will never fight Denis Cyplenkov

This video with subtitles was posted on vk 2 days ago by theory armwrestling. I copied the subtitles, just in case you can’t watch the video (the trainer Alexey is talking about, I believe it is ).
Someone from the public: Alexey, you promised to return to armwrestling.
Alexey Voevoda: Already came back. Already I train. Yesterday I trained with Denis Cyplenkov.
Someone from the public: You won it ?
Alexey Voevoda: No. We had a sparring ! He won, I won. How would you say… Even if I have the opportunity and the need to deal with it, I will refuse or we will raffle off a beautiful fight. We will never fight. We are the product of one trainer. We are friends. We are not interested in proving anything to one another. If with someone fight… The Russian team against the Chinese team Hypothetically ! It would be interesting. But not, I do not want to fight Denis. That’s for sure ! We are sparring partners !

Source: theory armwrestling

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Alexey Voevoda will never fight Denis Cyplenkov │ Capture from the video by XSportNews
Alexey Voevoda will never fight Denis Cyplenkov │ Capture from the video by XSportNews
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