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VIDEO: Alexey Voevoda vs. Armwrestling Tournament Winner

A new video with . I know that it has no relevancy because the Armwrestling Tournament Winner was probably tired, and we already know that Alexey is now in a good shape for armwrestling, but many armwrestlers want to watch him in action.

Победитель турнира по армрестлингу в борьбе с Алексеем Воеводой
[embedplusvideo height=”510″ width=”853″ standard=”″ vars=”ytid=GKPWCPxtQZQ&width=853&height=510&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=1&autoplay=0&react=0&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep3517″ /]

Source: bnkomiVIDEO

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Alexey Voevoda vs. Armwrestling Tournament Winner │ Capture by XSportNews from the video
Alexey Voevoda vs. Armwrestling Tournament Winner │ Capture by XSportNews from the video
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