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VIDEO: Armwrestling Tournament in South-West of Moscow, Sergey Tokarev referee │ 6 September 2014

UPDATE: This tournament took place in Moscow, on 6 September 2014, held in honor of the Moscow City Day 2014, and it was in South-West of Moscow. Many thanks to Ti An ► Armwrestling John – Engin for the info.
The Russian title for this video made by RUSARM.PRO is “Турнир по армспорту в ЮЗАО (07.09.14)”, which translated by Google Translate is: “Armsportu tournament in South-West ( 07/09/14 )”.
This is interesting because we know that in the South-West of Russia there is Ukraine and we also know that  is from Ukraine. But in the video and in the photos we can also see  as referee and she is from Russia, so it’s hard to tell if this tournament took place in Ukraine or in Russia.

Турнир по армспорту в ЮЗАО (07.09.14)
[embedplusvideo height=”510″ width=”853″ standard=”″ vars=”ytid=iinvVRMG6Q8&width=853&height=510&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=1&autoplay=0&react=0&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep3434″ /]


Armwrestling Tournament in South-West │ Photo Source:
Armwrestling Tournament in South-West │ Photo Source:
Armwrestling Tournament in South-West │ Photo Source:
Armwrestling Tournament in South-West │ Photo Source:
Armwrestling Tournament in South-West │ Photo Source:
Armwrestling Tournament in South-West │ Photo Source:
Armwrestling Tournament in South-West │ Photo Source:
Armwrestling Tournament in South-West, Sergey Tokarev referee │ Capture by XSportNews from the video

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