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VIDEO: Christian Binnie Vs Travis Bagent │Reno Reunion V – Reno, NV – 11-12 January 2003

Christian Binnie Vs Travis Bagent
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VIDEO Christian Binnie Vs Travis Bagent - 2003

Source: darthhitch


More articles with Travis Bagent │ Christian Binnie


UPDATE: Many thanks to Steve Inzalaco for the info he gave me here:

Steve Inzalaco: ” Sands Hotel in Reno……great tournament “

Steve Inzalaco: ” I was there. I will try to give you some results. Brzenk buried Travis Right hand very easily in that tournament. I believe Bill Brzenk was there and beat Don Underwood. Kenny Hughes at 176 gave a good left arm battle to John. “

Steve Inzalaco: ” Bill Collins would know everything about that tournament. “

Next I’ve contacted Bill Collins in a private message, and he told me:

Bill Collins: ” I do i actually put that event on….so long ago though “


Christian Binnie (Armwrestling John – Engin): ” Ivo, That tournament was in January 03, called the Reno Reunion. Travis and I went so I can pull John B, who I lost to in the overalls at the 02 Harley Pull and Travis wanted to pull John B right.I never got to pull John,cause he lost to Travis and Bob Shafer. John got 4th…Travis and I were even on wins after that tournament. in march of 03 I completely tore my right bicep, and for some reason listened to my training Partners in “how to beat Travis”. So I changed how I pulled him on their advice. What a big mistake, from that point on I lost most of my matches to Travis. As I changed back, with a twist, we never got to pull one another… “


Men’s 0-154 lbs
1. Devin Bair
2. Luke Nelson
3. Gene Dunn
4. Michael Cocchi
Men’s 154-176 lbs
1. Kenny Hughes
2. Bob Wardrip
3. Gord Squire
4. John Parton
Men’s 177-199 lbs
1. Eric Peterson
2. Ed Goble
3. Robbie Topie
4. David Bieler
Men’s 200+ lbs
1. Christian Binnie
2. Travis Bagent
3. Bob Shaffer
4. John Brzenk
Women’s Open
1. Kelli Nelson
2. Tamara Moore
3. Jennifer Hoffert
Men’s 0-154 lbs
1. Devin Bair
2. Simon Berriochoa
3. Brad Thomas
4. Jason Murphy
Men’s 155-176 lbs
1. Kenny Hughes
2. John Parton
3. Mike McGraw
4. Randy Weaver
Men’s 177-198 lbs
1. Bill Brzenk
2. Eric Wolfe
3. Ed Goble
4. Eric Peterson
Men’s 199-232 lbs
1. Tom Nelson
2. Matt Clark
3. Chris Futhey
4. Tony Shaw
Men’s 233+ lbs
1. John Brzenk
2. Travis Bagent
3. Bob Shaffer
4. John Shaw
Women’s Open
1. Mary McConnaughey
2. Kelli Nelson
3. Kathy Hughes
4. Jessie French
Tournament Directors – Bill and Ginger Collins
See all the results for Reno Reunion on ARMWRESTLING HISTORY CHANNEL.


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