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Кроссфит от Дениса Цыпленкова / Crossfit by Denis Cyplenkov
Как тренируется легендарный Денис Цыпленков, когда отдыхает от турниров? Об этом вы узнаете в этом видео.
Партнеры проекта: Интернет-магазин спортивного питания http://titanlab.ru/
Source: Sutor Strong
Here you can read all the English subtitles extracted by XSportNews from the video:
00:00:16,005 –> 00:00:18,005
My legs are burning2
00:00:18,086 –> 00:00:21,164
its a very good excercise3
00:00:23,046 –> 00:00:25,046
It doesn’t put any pressure on the back4
00:00:25,046 –> 00:00:27,092
but the legs feel a a mad burn5
00:01:48,058 –> 00:01:52,066
I’m gonna show another interesting exercise6
00:02:23,036 –> 00:02:25,045
When I train for arm wrestling7
00:02:27,062 –> 00:02:30,063
I try to put a heavier weight here8
00:02:31,006 –> 00:02:34,084
so when i pull back with my arm9
00:02:36,026 –> 00:02:37,082
the bicep feels overloaded10
00:02:37,082 –> 00:02:39,086
as it is trying to catch back the weight11
00:02:40,022 –> 00:02:42,022
And then back again12
00:02:42,022 –> 00:02:44,024
It’s good for armwrestling13
00:02:51,066 –> 00:02:53,134
I’m going to try to climb the rope14
00:02:57,078 –> 00:03:00,144
When I train, I can climb it quiet well15
00:03:01,044 –> 00:03:04,090
but haven’t done it for a while16
00:03:05,038 –> 00:03:08,045
It’s a fairly hard exercise for my weight17
00:03:14,098 –> 00:03:17,112
During my typical training program18
00:03:19,052 –> 00:03:22,148
I do bench press as well, a pyramid19
00:03:26,004 –> 00:03:27,012
Pull ups20
00:03:30,006 –> 00:03:34,032
I circle these workouts21
00:03:37,054 –> 00:03:39,054
They make up my current routine22
00:03:40,068 –> 00:03:41,160
I do 3 sets on each for each exercise23
00:03:43,072 –> 00:03:46,088
I also do the arm wrestling exercises on the table24
00:03:47,052 –> 00:03:48,138
but I won’t show them25
00:03:50,022 –> 00:03:53,038
since you already know them haha26
00:03:57,004 –> 00:04:00,052
I usually aim at working with 50-60%27
00:04:01,092 –> 00:04:05,099
so the joints don’t get overworked28
00:04:08,066 –> 00:04:10,102
Currently just trainining like this29
00:04:16,048 –> 00:04:20,062
That’s in case I fall, so its softer haha30
00:04:21,004 –> 00:04:22,013
Sometimes my arms get tired31
00:04:23,078 –> 00:04:24,176
and I just want to jump down32
00:04:26,026 –> 00:04:27,044
but there is concrete below33
00:04:43,094 –> 00:04:45,094
Some of the people that train with me34
00:04:46,002 –> 00:04:47,038
climb simultaneously the 2 ropes35
00:04:47,096 –> 00:04:49,118
but they are lighter36
00:04:50,076 –> 00:04:52,154
but when I do it37
00:04:54,002 –> 00:04:55,040
the ropes just get pulled down38
00:04:57,058 –> 00:05:03,156
and I end up staying in the same spot haha39
00:05:31,098 –> 00:05:33,101
It’s a hard exercise40
00:05:36,092 –> 00:05:40,106
We also made these climbing exercises41
00:05:44,072 –> 00:05:46,166
They are solely for the hands42
00:05:48,082 –> 00:05:49,087
Since we are arm wrestlers43
00:05:50,032 –> 00:05:51,048
we don’t need our legs44
00:05:51,048 –> 00:05:53,106
because we get around on our hands haha45
00:05:54,006 –> 00:05:56,078
Of course it’s fairly heavy to do with my weight46
00:05:58,002 –> 00:06:01,010
since the climbing handles are partly made out paper47
00:06:03,046 –> 00:06:04,140
so my fingers seek into them48
00:06:15,056 –> 00:06:21,082
It’s very beneficial to arm wrestlers, so are the ropes49
00:06:24,082 –> 00:06:28,166
Except the ropes we have were made for rope pulling50
00:06:30,038 –> 00:06:34,041
and not climbing, but I cut it up51
00:06:39,082 –> 00:06:40,096
It’s not dense enough52
00:06:40,096 –> 00:06:43,098
so it tends to pull down when you climb it.53
00:06:51,001 –> 00:06:53,023
I’m getting tired haha54
00:06:54,076 –> 00:06:57,154
We also have this other fairly good exercise55
00:06:59,004 –> 00:06:59,010
a ‘kayak’56
00:07:00,066 –> 00:07:02,114
It’s good for warming up prior to training57
00:07:06,066 –> 00:07:08,130
I always wanted a cardio machine58
00:07:09,003 –> 00:07:11,079
where only hands would work59
00:07:12,006 –> 00:07:13,015
so that I wouldn’t need to run60
00:07:18,008 –> 00:07:20,008
You just imitate rowing61
00:07:20,064 –> 00:07:23,102
and it’s enough to warm up the whole body62
00:07:42,096 –> 00:07:44,184
It’s a professional machine63
00:07:47,046 –> 00:07:50,050
rowers compete on it in winter64
00:07:53,022 –> 00:07:57,088
So we are not lagging behind the rowers haha65
00:08:00,066 –> 00:08:02,066
First of all it really words the hands66
00:08:02,066 –> 00:08:03,078
also the stamina67
00:08:03,086 –> 00:08:06,142
but also the back of all rowers are really strong68
00:08:08,038 –> 00:08:11,074
So if you row on it for 30 minutes69
00:08:11,074 –> 00:08:14,088
you’ll see that it is not a simple sport70
00:08:18,054 –> 00:08:22,118
I just showed 1 rep of the main exercises71
00:08:23,008 –> 00:08:26,086
but I usually do divide them over 2-3 days and do 3 sets on each72
00:08:29,088 –> 00:08:33,174
Bench press, pull ups, armwrestling on the block73
00:08:36,003 –> 00:08:39,015
smashing the tyre, climbing the rope74
00:08:40,014 –> 00:08:41,028
pushing the toboggan75
00:08:42,022 –> 00:08:43,028
I call it crossfit for endurance76
00:08:44,048 –> 00:08:46,114
which I do to reduce my injury risk77
00:08:49,046 –> 00:08:52,048
This is my routine until the end of the year78
00:08:54,098 –> 00:08:59,142
a fairly even based amount of pressure79
00:09:02,002 –> 00:09:05,026
I also play table tennis80
00:09:06,034 –> 00:09:09,041
so that it doesn’t get boring81
00:09:10,004 –> 00:09:13,007
and hard haha Since when I train82
00:09:14,018 –> 00:09:16,064
I get enough of the heavy weights anyways83
00:09:17,008 –> 00:09:19,017
If you do not give yourself enough time to rest84
00:09:21,028 –> 00:09:25,114
some injuries you had priorly might resurface85
00:09:27,052 –> 00:09:29,052
So it’s best for everyone to relax86
00:09:30,012 –> 00:09:31,088
diligently during their rest periods87
00:09:32,002 –> 00:09:33,024
and not work with their maximum weights88
00:09:34,096 –> 00:09:36,101
It won’t lead to anything good doing it otherwise89
00:09:38,022 –> 00:09:39,028
When you are mentally prepared to train90
00:09:40,028 –> 00:09:41,104
but you have nothing to train for91
00:09:42,078 –> 00:09:46,079
you are just stressing your organism too much92
00:09:48,024 –> 00:09:53,092
so maybe it purposely causes an injury so you stop?93
00:09:53,092 –> 00:09:53,097
00:09:57,008 –> 00:09:59,016
It’s like when many people ask me95
00:09:59,088 –> 00:10:01,164
“my hand hurts a lot and I am competing in a week, what should i do?”96
00:10:02,094 –> 00:10:03,130
Well if your arm hurts a lot97
00:10:04,042 –> 00:10:06,046
then you should just pull out of the competition98
00:10:07,007 –> 00:10:07,105
Then they start sayung99
00:10:09,001 –> 00:10:11,013
“but I trained for 3 months, how could i just abandon the comp?100
00:10:11,096 –> 00:10:12,115
I joke around101
00:10:13,034 –> 00:10:16,042
you know why they put plaster around your hand when you brake it?102
00:10:16,052 –> 00:10:19,106
It’s so that you couldn’t move it haha103
00:10:30,072 –> 00:10:32,088
That’s why plaster was invented104
00:10:33,036 –> 00:10:37,080
for us Russians/Slavs105
00:10:38,008 –> 00:10:41,014
who are not scared off by injuries106
00:10:41,086 –> 00:10:43,088
and are ready for the battle despite injuries107
00:10:46,038 –> 00:10:49,130
the only solution to stop them competing is the plaster108
00:10:50,008 –> 00:10:51,042
Or they can simply be sensible109
00:10:53,044 –> 00:10:56,048
and know not to do this to themselves110
00:10:56,048 –> 00:10:57,066
due to the risk111
00:10:59,016 –> 00:11:05,102
Many guys do not follow up on their health diligently112
00:11:08,002 –> 00:11:10,088
do not treat their micro injuries seriously113
00:11:11,178 –> 00:11:13,178
and later after 2-3 years114
00:11:13,098 –> 00:11:17,152
this micro injury turns out into a serious injury115
00:11:21,042 –> 00:11:23,124
So if something is hurting116
00:11:24,024 –> 00:11:25,030
fix it to the end117
00:11:26,018 –> 00:11:29,042
and do not be scared of seeing doctors and specialists118
00:11:32,044 –> 00:11:36,082
because your health is your most important aspect119
00:11:40,066 –> 00:11:42,073
When I am not preparing for any tournament120
00:11:43,036 –> 00:11:45,044
I feel a kinda sleepy state121
00:11:45,044 –> 00:11:46,100
where I do not really want anything specific122
00:11:47,056 –> 00:11:48,102
When I have a specific date123
00:11:49,002 –> 00:11:50,020
goal and training goals124
00:11:50,005 –> 00:11:51,031
I act in a totally different manner125
00:11:52,018 –> 00:11:54,019
Something inside me awakens126
00:11:59,044 –> 00:12:02,056
During my off season I lift 80 kgs127
00:12:03,002 –> 00:12:03,094
and i think to myself128
00:12:04,026 –> 00:12:05,050
how can I lift this much129
00:12:06,028 –> 00:12:07,114
but during then when I train for a competition130
00:12:08,084 –> 00:12:10,085
I lift 140 kgs and it feels normal131
00:12:11,086 –> 00:12:13,150
This is how my organism responds132
00:12:16,012 –> 00:12:19,044
to the different challenges in different situations133
00:12:20,008 –> 00:12:21,090
everyone is different134
00:12:23,072 –> 00:12:25,094
Someone might just be nervous135
00:12:25,094 –> 00:12:28,108
the whole time during competition training136
00:12:29,048 –> 00:12:32,094
someone else might be pumping up mass and strength137
00:12:34,054 –> 00:12:35,150
When someone is scared138
00:12:36,052 –> 00:12:39,058
they might be dedicating themselves to 100%139
00:12:41,074 –> 00:12:44,082
That’s why those of you that get nervous while training for a tournament140
00:12:45,068 –> 00:12:46,154
you need to compete in more tournaments141
00:12:48,092 –> 00:12:50,126
so that you can beat this weakness inside you142
00:12:51,008 –> 00:12:53,014
I think everyone goes through this at some stage haha143
00:12:54,066 –> 00:12:55,134
I also remember when I was competing at first144
00:12:57,003 –> 00:12:59,019
I would shake as I would walk towards the armwrestling table145
00:13:02,014 –> 00:13:04,014
That’s why only experience and time146
00:13:05,092 –> 00:13:07,168
will change you for the better and make you stronger
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