I wrote down the moments in the video when you can hear John Brzenk speaking in English.
They talk about nutrition, about what happened at A1 Russian Open 2015 when John and other armwrestlers didn’t receive the prize money, and other subjects.
John Brzenk – 4:09: ” I’ve been to Russia now 4 – 5 times. 5 times. “
John Brzenk – 5:08: ” I understand the situation. I mean it’s happened before. “
John Brzenk – 5:08: ” People count on others to come through, and they don’t always come through. “
John Brzenk – 5:47: ” I would be able to handle having armwrestling or armwrestling related things my total, total life, but… “
John Brzenk – 6:19: ” Time away from the sport of armwrestling, I would probably got wore out a lot sooner if I was 24/7 with armwrestling “
John Brzenk – 8:41: ” I eat everything “
John Brzenk – 9:00: ” I’ve dabbled with creatine a couple, 3 times in my life. “
John Brzenk – 9:35: ” I don’t normally supplement with protein when I’m eating normal. “
Andrey Sharkoff: ” John tell me please about the hook and top. “
John Brzenk – 11:04: ” Hook is basically forcing your opponent to go wrist to wrist with you, like this. That’s what the call a hook. The wrists are turned in, the pressure is on each other’s wrist. And then the offensive move is to drag you opponent’s bicep to the pad.”
John Brzenk – 12:08: ” Toproll is attacking your opponent’s hand. To put him in a limp wrist, leverage disadvantage. In a top roll you want to cup your hand and pronate your hand into their hand breaking. Breaking their hand. So it becomes basically a strength combat, who’s got the stronger hand, who’s got the stronger cup, and who’s got the stronger pronation. And normally the stronger cup is gonna win out on that fight. If I can break your wrist back, it’s really difficult for you to pull, successful toproll.
John Brzenk – 13:17: ” I always let my index finger float, it’s just a habit, so I can recap if I have to. I don’t like to have my finger, my top finger stationary even if I’m allowed to cap my thumb, I always let it flow if they let me. That way it can always be protected, no one can actually cap my index finger down.
Source: ironrating