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VIDEO: Neil Pickup, Rustam Babayev, Champions League at X-MEN ARMWRESTLING LONDON 2015

Neil Pickup will announce the matches at X-Men Armwrestling LONDON 2015 │ Image Source: X-Men Armwrestling
Neil Pickup will announce the matches at X-Men Armwrestling LONDON 2015 │ Image Source: X-Men Armwrestling
X-Men Armwrestling: Neil Pickup, arguably the best armwrestling announcer in the world, will announce the matches at X-Men Armwrestling LONDON 2015. See you there !
Rustam Babayev will come to pull at X-Men Armwrestling LONDON 2015 │ Image Source: X-Men Armwrestling
X-Men Armwrestling: He is coming to pull and we are more than happy to welcome him with open arms to our event. See you there !
Champions League at X-Men Armwrestling London 2015 │ Image Source: X-Men Armwrestling




Below you can watch a video with  (click on the image) in which he says he will be at , on 07 November 2015.

Source: Ciprian X-man

See also ► INFO: X-MEN ARMWRESTLING LONDON 2015 with Rustam Babayev, MAP

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