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SIN CITY EP 6 Rhodes Vs Kindt, Bagent Vs Underwood
[embedplusvideo height=”510″ width=”853″ standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/RQme45JNOvU?fs=1″ vars=”ytid=RQme45JNOvU&width=590&height=510&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=¬es=” id=”ep7110″ /]
Source: combatandstrength
12 – 13 December 2010, MGM Grand, Las Vegas, USA
Andrew “Cobra” Rhodes 2 : 4 Luke Kindt
Don Underwood 6 : 0 Travis Bagent
According to Devon Larratt (northeastboard) the match between Don Underwood and Travis Bagent on the right hand was finished 6 – 0 for Don Underwood. And the left hand match between Don Underwood and Travis Bagent (which took place next day on 13 December 2014) was aborted after 1 – 1.
Eric Roussin later explained (northeastboard): ” The Don/Travis left hand match was aborted because it was becoming a bit of a farce. There was just too much goofing around, false starts, fouls, wasted time during the set-ups, for the match to look serious on TV. “
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