See all the articles about ► UAL III “Welcome to the Tap House” – 23 March 2013 ◄
” Kenny Hughes defeated Ryan Clark 3-0
Geoff Hale gets a 3-2 win on Jake Smith
Michael Todd takes the title from Jerry Cadorette in a brutal 3 round long match! 3-0 MT “
Source: Luís Nazar ” Great Fight… What a endurance of both of them… Realy awesome… — with Jerry Cadorette and Michael Todd.”
Source: Luís Nazar ” Incredible… Awesome… — with Jerry Cadorette and Michael Todd. ”
Source: Luís Nazar ” Final Tietê e Alen Fisher de direita no Pro UAL — with Eduardo Tietê and Andrew Renato Zeus Kustor. ”
Source: Luís Nazar ” Boa Renato — with Andrew Renato Zeus Kustor and Eduardo Tietê at 405 Traffic.”
Source: Luís Nazar ” Descanso merecido… Final de esquerda… Campeão UAL — with Eduardo Tietê and Andrew Renato Zeus Kustor at DoorKing, Inc.”