Michael Todd said he wants to pull again Devon Larratt (after his right arm will be healed), Denis Cyplenkov, Dave Chaffee. They also discuss about Game of Arms.
At the end of the video Michael Todd makes “the boldest statement ever made by any armwrestler“: ” I genuinely believe, on even given day, like if you tell me I will armwrestle in 3 months from this day, the Michael Todd that shows up on that day beats the best version of any armwrestler who ever lived. That good armwrestler I think I am.” […] ” I believe the strongest version of Voevoda ever, does not beat me now. I believe the strongest version of Richard Lupkes ever, does not beat me right now. And we can just keep going, right: Goodridge, Scott Norton, Cleve Dean, John Brzenk, people I look up to, I believe I evolved that much, so that is my belief.
Click ► “Monster” Michael Todd │ Neil Pickup ◄ Click
In the Mind of the “Monster” Michael Todd – in deep discussion with Arm Wars’ Neil Pickup
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Source: combatandstrength