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Chris Chandler vs. Don Underwood - ARM WARS “SIN CITY”

VIDEO: Don Underwood vs. Chris Chandler, Ethan Fritsche vs. Frode Haugland │ ARM WARS “SIN CITY”, EP. 9

Click to watch all the episodes from #ARM WARS “SIN CITY” SIN CITY EP 9 Fritche Vs Haugland, Underwood Vs Chandler [embedplusvideo height=”510″ width=”853″ standard=”″ vars=”ytid=TAV6kWlluXk&width=853&height=510&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=”… Read More »VIDEO: Don Underwood vs. Chris Chandler, Ethan Fritsche vs. Frode Haugland │ ARM WARS “SIN CITY”, EP. 9

VIDEO: Doug Allen vs. Chris Chandler, Josh Wood vs. Lenny Lockert │ ARM WARS “SIN CITY”, EP. 8

Click to watch all the episodes from #ARM WARS “SIN CITY” SIN CITY EP 8 Chandler Vs Allen, Lockert Vs Wood [embedplusvideo height=”510″ width=”853″ standard=”″ vars=”ytid=OFibY3HdUQc&width=853&height=510&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=”… Read More »VIDEO: Doug Allen vs. Chris Chandler, Josh Wood vs. Lenny Lockert │ ARM WARS “SIN CITY”, EP. 8

VIDEO: Travis Bagent vs. Tim Bresnan, Michael Todd vs. Ryan Espey, Yoshinobu Kanai vs. Don Underwood │ ARM WARS “SIN CITY”, EP. 1

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SIN CITY EP 1 Kanai vs Underwood, Bagent vs Bresnan, Espey vs Todd [embedplusvideo height=”510″ width=”853″ standard=”″ vars=”ytid=jDA96NQph70&width=853&height=510&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep1348″ /] Source: combatandstrength RESULTS OF ARM WARS “SIN… Read More »VIDEO: Travis Bagent vs. Tim Bresnan, Michael Todd vs. Ryan Espey, Yoshinobu Kanai vs. Don Underwood │ ARM WARS “SIN CITY”, EP. 1

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