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Kansas City Rolling Thunder Team

VIDEO: Game of Arms: Episode 5: Welcome to the Slaughterhouse │ recap by Ted Czech

Game of Arms episode 5 recap Selearis vs Zinna [embedplusvideo height=”670″ width=”853″ editlink=”” standard=”″ vars=”ytid=uPnnUYys_Mk&width=853&height=670&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=0&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep6720″ /] Published on 25 Mar 2014 In episode 5, the… Read More »VIDEO: Game of Arms: Episode 5: Welcome to the Slaughterhouse │ recap by Ted Czech

New York City “Arms Control” vs. Kansas City “Rolling Thunder” │ Game of Arms: Episode 5: Welcome to the Slaughterhouse

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In the Episode 5: Welcome to the Slaughterhouse – Game of Arms, the New York City “Arms Control” team will travel to Kansas City, Missouri, in order to meet the Kansas… Read More »New York City “Arms Control” vs. Kansas City “Rolling Thunder” │ Game of Arms: Episode 5: Welcome to the Slaughterhouse

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