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VIDEO: Ion Oncescu attempts to set multiple new underwater world records on 23 September 2012

Ion Oncescu attempting to set multiple new underwater world records on 23 September 2012
Ion Oncescu Official:Evenimentul va avea loc pe data de 23.09.2012 intre orele 12:00-03.00
-12:00 Deschidere eveniment
-12:15 Prezentare discipline
-12:15-19:00 se vor desfasura probele de stabilire a recordurilor mondiale
-19:00-03:00 Party,invitati speciali Fly Dj


Descriere activitati:

Face 33 de tumbe(un om neantrenat executa cel mult 3-5 tumbe)

Ridica o haltera cu greutatea de 50 de kg ca la concurs cu care se deplaseaza 33m

Traverseaza un bazin pe sub apa cu mainile si picioarele in catuse-numai prin ondularea corpului

Merge ca un ” crevete” , doar in degete pe fundul bazinului

Primul concurs de skandenberg subacvatic cu Radu Valahu si multi alti sportivi

Acestea sunt cateva din activităţile pe care le voi face

TranslationThe event will take place on 23.09.2012 between the hours 12:00-03.00

-12:00 Opening Event
-12:15 Presentation of the disciplines
-12:15-19:00 World records attempts will take place
-19:00-03:00 Party, special guests FLY DJs


Description of activities:

Do 33 underwater somersaults (an untrained person performs at most 3-5 somersaults)

Picks up a barbell weighing 50 kg as in a contest with which he walks underwater 33m

Crossing a a whole pool underwater having the hands and feet in cuffs -swimming only by body waves

Walk as a “shrimp”, only fingers on the bottom of the water pool

The first underwater armwrestling contest with Radu Valahu and many other athletes

These are some of the activities I will do.


The current world record  – 29 underwater somersaults:

Most consecutive somersaults underwater – single breath


    • WHEN: 23 FEB 2008
    • The record for most somersaults underwater on one breath is 29 and was achieved by Francesca Bravin (Italy), on the set of Lo show dei record in Madrid, Spain, on 23 February 2008.
Guinness World Records │ Most consecutive somersaults underwater - single  breath
Guinness World Records │ Most consecutive somersaults underwater – single  breath │ Source:

The record for most somersaults underwater on one breath is 29 and was achieved by Francesca Bravin (Italy), on the set of Lo show dei record in Madrid, Spain, on 23 February 2008.


UPDATE – VIDEO: Ion Oncescu sets a New World Record ! More than 33m underwater walk, carrying a 59kg barbell !

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