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Dana Rohrabacher arm-wrestled Vladimir Putin and lost │1990 – 1991

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher: I arm-wrestled Vladimir Putin … and lost!

On Thursday, KPCC’s Washington correspondent Kitty Felde talked with Congressman Dana Rohrabacher about the Russian proposal on Syria on chemical weapons, of which he very much approves. He also thinks that the Russians should be consulted and take a larger role.

” We all ended up going to this Irish Times Pub afterwards. And we were having a little bit too much to drink, I guess. Anyway, we started arguing about who won the Cold War, etc. And so we decided to settle it like men do when they’ve had too much to drink in the pub. So we got to these arm wrestling matches, and I ended up being paired off with Putin. He’s a little guy, but boy, I’ll tell yea. He put me down in a millisecond! He is tough. His muscles are just unbelievable.

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Learn about Dana Rohrabacher on wikipedia.
Vladmir Putin - Walking away from meeting, fighter aircraft │Image Source:
Vladmir Putin – Walking away from meeting, fighter aircraft │ Image Source:
Vladmir Putin - Walking away from explosion, fighter aircraft │ Image Source:
Vladmir Putin – Walking away from explosion, fighter aircraft │ Image Source:
Vladimir Putin - with sunglasses
Vladimir Putin – with sunglasses
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