I made a small list with the places where you can make donations to help the family of Andrey Pushkar and the family of Oleg Zhokh.
1. Ryan Bowen from Pound for Pound Armwrestling opened this for donations ► ANDREY PUSHKAR TRIBUTE & FUNDRAISER
2. Use your PayPal account to send money to this account opened by PAL for donations: [email protected]
(login to your PayPal account => Send or request money => Send Payments => [email protected] => choose the amount you want to send, Add a note)
3. Transfer money directly to their accounts using PaySend.com and the data below:
Receiver country 🇺🇦 Ukraine
For Andrey Pushkar – donations to his wife:
First name – Svetlana
Last name – Pushkar
Card number: 5167985660401217
For Oleg Zhokh – donations to Oleg’s mother:
First Name – Svetlana
Last Name – Zhokh
Card number: 5168757381218074
4. Fundraiser by Svitlana Zhokh ► Help Oleg Zhokh – gofundme.com

► R.I.P. Andrey Pushkar, 6 August 1985 – 14 November 2018
► Condition of Oleg Zhokh is stable
Andrey Pushkar Tribute | Thank You from The Armwrestlers of The World
Source: Pound for Pound Armwrestling
Donations for Andrei and Oleg
Source: Toprollking Productions
The Greatest Сhampion forever! RIP Andrey Pushkar
Andrey Pushkar Tribute – Legends Never Die (R.I.P 11.14.18)
Source: SwedenArmwrestlingTelevision