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Heidi Andersson: ” New website – new opportunities! ” │16 April 2013

Three days ago, on 16 April 2013, Heidi Andersson announced her new improved site – and posted this photo taken on the same day:

Heidi Andersson - workout 16 April 2013
Heidi Andersson – workout 16 April 2013 │ Photo Source: – Ny hemsida – nya möjligheter! – The armwrestler from Solitude:

” Name: Heidi Andersson

Age: Born 1981

Weight: 65kg

Length: 170 cm

Comes from: a small village called Ensamheten (Solitude, the Loneliness) with 12 inhabitants (They are all my relatives)  situated in north part of Sweden in Lapland.

Right now Heidi is living in Storuman 10 kilometers from the Solitude together with my husband Björn Ferry and son Dante (born 2011)

Started: at sitting tables in the age of eleven (1992)

Hobbies: Train and carry dreams into effect!

2011 – Almaty, Kazakstan -70kg
2010 – Mesquite, Las Vegas, USA -70kg (left)
2009 – Rosolina Di Mare, Italien -65kg
2008 – Kelowna, Canada, -60kg
2004 – Durban, Sydafrika, -65kg
2003 – Ottawa, Kanada, -65kg
2002 – Springfield, USA, -60kg
2000 – Rovaniemi; Finland, -60kg
1999- Tokyo, Japan, -60kg

Traning: I do all my trainingprograms by my own. I train armwrestling together withe the students in the armwrestlingschool in Storuman, lifting weights, climbing in ropes. I also run, and train some boxing.

Dreams about: an ecological house and that armwrestling will be an Olympic sport! ”

Heidi Andresson
Heidi Andersson │ Photo Source: – The armwrestler from Solitude
Go read more about Heidi on: – The armwrestler from Solitude


Original source: – FrustrationGoogle Translate:

” Here in Storuman is Blaikengruvan. Three mining companies have been working at the mine and all is now in bankruptcy. Around the clock runs out contaminated water from open pits and mounds of crushed rock. The content of zinc in the quarries are thousands of times higher than what EPA considers to be directly lethal to plant and animal life.

Would the water run right out of Juktan is an imminent risk that all life is killed in both the lake and Juktån flowing into the Ume River. Contaminated water could reach drinking water pits down the coast and Umeå.

A reclamation of the area can cost up to EUR 200 million. Who will pay for that is unclear. This is crazy frustrating and my genes activist shouts “action”! Tomorrow, I presentation Sparbanksstiftelsen in the neighboring municipality of Lycksele where the audience is Storumans own councilor. Will definitely ask him what the municipality’s strategy and plan is when it comes to this rape of our municipality and nature. “

Original: – Frustration │ Google Translate



VIDEO: Armbryterskan från Ensamheten

(The short preview is in English language)


Heidi Andersson is also the initiator and Project Leader of the World Challenge event:
World Challenge - March 8 - Armwrestling Competition for Women
World Challenge – March 8 – Armwrestling Competition for Women │ Image Source: