FitX Armwrestling Cup 2014 | Feat. Devon “No Limits” Larratt
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Published on 27 Mar 2014
With the greatest armwrestler of all time John Brzenk watching intently from the stands last year, the AAF kept the momentum going by bringing another massive name on the international armwrestling scene over in the form of current world champion Devon “No Limits” Larratt. With Devon presiding over the event as honorary head referee, it was the international talent that stole the show this year with Singapore and New Zealand sweeping the 80kg and 95kg+ classes, and our own Grant Tolentino left to defend Australia’s reputation and annihilate the 95kg class.
Congratulations to the finalists of each weight class:
Middleweight 80kg:
Winner: Valen Low (SING)
Runner-up: Melvyn Lo (SING)Heavyweight 95kg:
Winner: Grant Tolentino (AUS)
Runner-up: Leandro Jesus (ITA)Super Heavyweight 95kg+:
Winner: Maateiwarangi Heta-morris (NZ)
Runner-up: Brett Coutts (AUS)Find Us Online:
Source: Australian Armwrestling Federation
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