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Published on 30 Jan 2014
Source: armtv
18 Matches in this video (click the names to see more articles):
1. Travis Bagent vs. John Brzenk
2. Harold Owens II vs. Chris Myers
3. Mike Gould vs. Rob Bigwood
4. Dan Fortuna vs. Jeremy Jenkins
5. Ron Bath vs. Tom Nelson
6. Travis Bagent vs. Harold Owens II
7. John Brzenk vs. Chris Myers
8. Rob Bigwood vs. Jeremy Jenkins
9. Tom Nelson vs. Harold Owens II
10. Dan Fortuna vs. Mike Gould
11. Ron Bath vs. Travis Bagent
12. John Brzenk vs. Rob Bigwood
13. John Brzenk vs. Harold Owens II
14. Travis Bagent vs. Dan Fortuna
15. Ron Bath vs. Mike Gould
16. John Brzenk vs. Travis Bagent
17. John Brzenk vs. Mike Gould
18. John Brzenk vs. Ron Bath
Allison Renoos Hutchings – facebook: ” Packing boxes would go quicker if I didn’t spend so much time going through the boxes marked “Old Pics”. But, I’m finding such gems. Here are some armwrestling ones that I think are from 2004. “
Vassiliki Bessie Khonsari – comment on ” One of the shoots for Pulling John ! I remember it well … got some amazing footage. “