Click to see all articles about #Devon Larratt – 2014 Australian Tour – Armwrestling
Lars Rørbakken last year had a great match with John Brzenk at John Brzenk – FITX MELBOURNE – 9 – 10 March 2013.
In 2005 Lars Rørbakken won the bronze medal in the Mens Seniors Left Hand 110+ Kg at XV European Armwrestling Championships 2005, with a win over Andrey Pushkar ► VIDEO: Andrey Pushkar vs. Lars Rørbakken │15th European Armwrestling Championships 2005 ◄
20140308 Devon Larratt & Lars Rorbakken practice – Left & right hands – 2014 Fitx Melbourne
20140308 Devon Larratt & Lars Rorbakken practice – Right hand – 2014 Fitx Melbourne
20140308 Devon Larratt practice – 2014 FitX Melbourne
20140308 Devon Larratt practice – 2014 Fitx Melbourne
20140308 Devon Larratt practice – 2014 Fitx Melbourne
Source: Trần Duy Khánh

Phil Rasmussen ► Armwrestling John – Engin: Amazing how quickly these things go viral with smartphone cameras. This is why we didn’t do an official challenge match with Devon like with John last year, because Devon had Armwrestled 7hrs per day over the 5 days leading up to this event with well over 200 matches on his arms. Lars was fresh as a daisy and looking beastly just like last year, and that press of his is ridiculously strong!