I believe the discussion started from A1 Russian Open 2014, but in the first video they talk more about the raffle system from UAL 8 – Ultimate Armwrestling League:
[embedplusvideo height=”670″ width=”853″ standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/j41V61-X4yo?fs=1″ vars=”ytid=j41V61-X4yo&width=853&height=670&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=1&autoplay=0&react=0&chapters=¬es=” id=”ep4991″ /]
Source: Allison Hutchings
Allison Renoos Hutchings: 3 weeks until the A-1 Russian tournament in Moscow and the Arizona Training Camp is getting fired up…about statistics.
Eric Wolfe: I suggest watching this without sound. . All you see is 4 guys pointing their fingers at each other. . Hilarious
Allison Renoos Hutchings: But then you’d miss John admonishing Todd: “Don’t go crazy with the eyes!”
John R Brzenk: If Russia would allow me to bring one 12 pack of Miller High Life … There would be No chance for any of them … On or off the table !
Bob Brown: 12 pack Miller High Life……Check.
I will put it in the luggage
Bill Cassell: I’ll prepare a lecture on game theory for the next time this comes up
Allison Renoos Hutchings: Bill Cassell was the calm in the storm, Derek Graybill was the voice of reason.
The Badass List
Source: Allison Hutchings