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20th Senec Hand 2013 with John Brzenk │22-23 March 2013

20th Senec Hand 2013 - John Brzenk
20th Senec Hand 2013 – John Brzenk
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20th Senec hand · By Senecká ruka / Senec hand

March 22 at 5:00pm until March 24 at 12:00pm in UTC+01

Mierove namestie, Senec, Slovakia
International armwrestling tournament
…Miesto / Venue:
Mestské kultúrne stredislo, nám.1.mája, Senec (Culture House, 1st may square, Senec), SlovakiaVáhové kategórie / Weight classes:
Men left / right: 65, 70, 75, 85, 95, 95+ kg
Women left / right: 60, 60+ kg
Junior boys left / right: 65, 75, 75+ kg
Junior girls left / right: 55, 55+ kg
Masters men left/right: 70, 90, 90+ kg
Masters women left/right: 70, 70+ kg

All classes will be open only if more than two competitiors will be presented in class!!!!!

Váženie / Weight in:
Piatok / Friday
22.3.2013 – 17.00 – 23.00 – hotel ZELENY DVOR
Attention!!! The weigh-in is on Friday ONLY!!!!!!
POZOR!!! Váženie je iba v piatok!!!!

Štartovné: podľa pravidiel SNLP; v prípade súťaže o finančné odmeny 20,- EUR
Entry fee: 20,- EUR (any additional class & juniors 5,- EUR)

Sobota / Saturday 23.03.13
Kvalifikácia / Eliminations:
10:00 (Juniors and Masters) – including finals
13.00 (Seniors)

Finále/ Finals – Seniors only:

poháre, diplomy, finančné odmeny pre súťaž pravou rukou (muži: 1. – 300 EUR, 2. – 100 EUR, 3. – 50 EUR; ženy: 1. – 100 EUR, 2. – 50 EUR, 3. – 20 EUR); súťaž juniorov nie je ohodnotená finančnými odmenami

cups, diplomas, money prizes – right hand classes only (men: 1st – 300 EUR, 2nd – 100 EUR, 3rd – 50 EUR, women: 1st – 100 EUR, 2nd – 50 EUR, 3rd 20,- EUR)
No money prizes for Juniors and Masters!

After Party: Saturday 23.03.2013, 21:00 – everybody is invited – hotel Lobster

Ubytovanie: v prípade potreby o zabezpečenie ubytovania, dajte nám vedieť na nižšie uvedené kontakty

Accomodation: tell us your needs as soon as possible, we’ll arrange a pleasant stay for you in one of the hotels.

Zeleny dvor –
Pension Lobster –

Traveling: Senec is located 25 km from the capital city Bratislava.
Airports: Bratislava (direct flights from many European cities; see; Vienna (60 km from Bratislava)
Railway stations: Bratislava, Senec
Motorway: from Bratislava take E75 direction Zilina, exit Senec; from north the same E75 direction Bratislava, exit Senec.

Information: For more information, please email us [email protected], phone +421 903 716 032
[email protected], phone +421 911 880 779

Source: 20th Senec hand – facebook


See what happened last year at Senec Hand 2012:

Frank Lamparelli vs. Dmitriy Trubin – Senec Hand 2012:
Senec Hand 2012 part 96

Source: armpowernet

See all the videos from Senec Hand 2012 on Official video channel

See all the Results from Senec Hand 2012

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