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Devon Larratt about Oleg Zhokh and UAL IV

Devon Larratt - Ultimate Armwrestling League (UAL) │ Photo Source: Ultimate Armwrestling League
Devon Larratt – Ultimate Armwrestling League (UAL) │ Photo Source: Ultimate Armwrestling League

Devon Larratt – facebook (28 August 2013):

” Just wanted to share a few thoughts from the weekend. First I just want to give a Huge thanks to the Ultimate Armwrestling League. awesome job stepping up and making magic happen in a very short time. This was likely the best tournament I have been to, with the 190lb right handed class being the deepest class I have ever seen. Really cool to see that even after the rollercoaster ride we have all been on with the “world bar” event that most pullers came together and made the best of the weekend. Lots of good things comin from the west coast.. Met lots of people… good times..

Oleg!!! my god. The deal is I love this kid. Watching him through the tournament was amazing, we were all talking about what do do with him… nobody had a good answer. Robert Drenk offered me the match at some point during the tournament. I said NO WAY!!!! but… RObert has his ways lol and he made the match happen. I have never felt a hand like that ever, he is a good armwrestler also. I was very nervous to pull him, I was a little unsure what exactly I was facing. In my opinion Oleg is the stongest and most dominant pound for pound puller that I have ever seen. I will not be surprised if in a few years he is unrivaled. time will tell. Much respect to that young man.

Thanks again to the Ual for making Armwrestling awesome “

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