Source: Bishop VS Bowen
” Pig ‘N’ Whistle Redbank Plains have an exciting event coming up and we want you to be there!
Multiple American Champion and current world number 2 Armwrestler Justin “Bama Bull” Bishop from the United States of America is contesting in a 6 Round Supermatch with the multiple Australian and Asia Pacific Champion Ryan “Blue” Bowen.
Justin Bishop Vs Ryan Bowen – 6 Round SuperMatch – Right Hand
Justin Bishop Vs Danny Tesch – 6 Round Supermatch – Left Hand
Stick around after the matches take place for a private seminar where Justin will deliver a talk on his journey to the top and outline the training methods he has utilized to reach his level within the sport.
Entry is FREE and everyone is welcome. Don’t forget to hashtag#BishopvsBowen! ”
Source: Bishop VS Bowen