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Pulling John – Czech / Slovak subtitles │by Marek Musil

  • Marek Musil (◄click to see other articles) started some time ago to make Czech subtitles for the Pulling John movie. After some hard work, because Marek is a perfectionist, the subtitles are finally done. 🙂
  • The subtitles can also be used as Slovak subtitles, because Czech and Slovak languages are similar.
Click this next link to download the subtitles from

Pulling John – Czech Subtitles ◄

 Many thanks to Marek Musil for his hard work and for adding to his subtitles.


Pulling John, John Brzenk
Pulling John, John Brzenk
  • Marek Musil (◄klikněte zde pro zobrazení dalších článků) začal před časem pracovat na českých titulcích k filmu Pulling John. Po čase a tvrdé práci jsou titulky konečně na světě.
  • Titulky jsou vhodné i pro Slováky, vzhledem k podobnosti jazyků.
Click this next link to download the Pulling John – Czech Subtitles from

► Pulling John – Czech Subtitles ◄

 Many thanks to Marek Musil for his hard work and for adding to his subtitles.