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VIDEOS: Chris Chandler vs Michael Todd, Neil Pickup vs Gregory Schneider, Marcin Skalski vs Ian Carnegie │ARM WARS – Eurosport 2



RESULTS: Chris Chandler 3 : 3 Michael Todd – LEFT HAND – ARM WARS “HIGH STAKES” LAS VEGAS

The other videos were taken from ARM WARS “KILLER INSTINCT” ESSEN, you can see all the results if you scroll down in this next link:

► ARM WARS ”KILLER INSTINCT” Results – April 21-22nd, 2012 – FIBO, Essen, Germany ◄


1 thought on “VIDEOS: Chris Chandler vs Michael Todd, Neil Pickup vs Gregory Schneider, Marcin Skalski vs Ian Carnegie │ARM WARS – Eurosport 2”

  1. Foarte tare Chris.. pacat ca s-a cam pripit. Daca aborda toate meciurile ca pe primul, adica sa astepte primul atac al lui Todd si apoi sa atace in loc sa plece el primul si sa se epuizeze chiar putea castiga. Per total mi s-a parut mai tare ca Todd.

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