ShareI believe that Ian Carnegie ripping his shirt off is the funniest moment in the armwrestling history. Watch the video and the captures below the video. 🙂 Game Of Tears Source: inthehook Ian Carnegie vs. Devon Larratt – Game of Tears │ Capture by XSportNews from the video Ian Carnegie ripping his shirt off │ Capture by XSportNews from the video Ian Carnegie ripping his shirt off 2 │ Capture by XSportNews from the video Click to view all articles about #Game of Arms – AMC Armwrestling TV Show Click to view all articles in #FUNNY ShareRelated Posts:VIDEO: Game of Arms: Episode 3: The Cold War │ Recap…NEW VIDEO: Game of Arms - AMC Reality ShowVIDEO: Game of Arms: Episode 4: Bloodlines │ recap…VIDEO: Michael Selearis │ Game of Arms – AMCVIDEO: Game of Arms Interview Executive Producer Dan IlaniNEW VIDEO: New York City Team - Arms Control │Game… Tags:Anssi AinaliDevon LarrattGame of Arms - AMC Armwrestling TV ShowGoA ArmwrestlingIan Carnegie previousVIDEO: UAL – USAF NATIONALS 2014 – part 1nextVIDEO: Zaur Abutalimov vs. Nikita Neskreptov │ July 2014