The video title (translated from Russian using Google Translate) is very funny: ” How to defeat the cunning Americans? Technique against monsters! “
This sounds like the Cold War is back… 🙂
Luckily for us, armwrestling is a very peaceful sport, the armwrestlers hug each other and send a lot of love, even after they lose or win… 🙂
You can still vote here, or see what other armwrestlers voted ► POLL: Michael Todd vs. Dmitry Trubin, Armfight 45 Vendetta, February 2016
Как победить хитрого американца? Техника против Монстра! (Google Translate: How to defeat the cunning Americans? Technique against monsters!)
Source: ironrating
You can still vote here, or see what other armwrestlers voted ► POLL: Michael Todd vs. Dmitry Trubin, Armfight 45 Vendetta, February 2016
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