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Video on Brazilian TV from the 34th World Armwrestling Championships 2012

The video is mirrored because in reality Matthias “Hellboy” Schlitte has a huge right arm (not the left arm):

panico na band confere campeonato de braço de ferro 30 12 2012 mircmirc
[embedplusvideo height=”508″ width=”855″ standard=”″ vars=”ytid=R_N_29Fymgg&width=855&height=508″ /]

Video on Brazilian TV from the 34th World Armwrestling Championships 2012


Sarah Bäckman:

” This is a videoclip from the World Championships in Brazil, September 2012. A few of my matches and some interviews! Was aired of brazilian TV the other day, coool! “


More info about: 34th World Armwrestling Championships 2012
