This really was funny, very good choice of music. 🙂
Cross-country skiing is much harder than it looks on TV. 🙂
The original YouTube video from which were extracted the funny scenes with Voevoda is posted below the first video from coub.
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Click to view all articles about #Alexey Voevoda
Source: Basket Santa
Алексей Воевода и Александр Зубков поменяли сани на лыжи (Google Translate: Alex Voivod and Alexander Zubkov changed sled on skis)
[embedplusvideo height=”510″ width=”853″ standard=”″ vars=”ytid=pwS0QiUTqK8&width=853&height=510&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=1&autoplay=0&react=0&chapters=¬es=” id=”ep9480″ /]
Published on 28 Mar 2015
Google Translate: ” One of the highlights of the “Winter Ybitsy” became a ski relay, during which titled Olympic champions, bobsledder Alexander Zubkov and Alexey Voivod on skis. Beautiful track, bright sun and high spirits – all signs exciting spectacle. The most memorable was the race of champions who have demonstrated an amazing technique of “alternate leg movements on the spot.” Well-known Russian commentator Cyril Nabutov immediately asked to get their cameras and cameras: this clearly will never be. “
Source: bnkomiVIDEO