UPDATE (04 June 2018): I updated this article because I heard a rumor that Krasimir couldn’t receive money for being a trainer anyway because he is not in a club, and you need to be member of an armwrestling club in order to receive money. You can read his answer below.
XSportNews.com: Someone told me that it’s written in the rules (government or Bulgarian Federation) that you have to be registered in the official club to get payment. And you are a single trainer without club, so you couldn’t receive money anyway. But how did you receive money for your medals ? You don’t have to be part of a club also to receive money for your medals ?
Krasimir Kostadinov: ” Maybe you need documents for this – yes . Nothing is clear in our federation . Asen tell us nothing . But one thing is clear – he has written there that someone is trainer !!! – That person is NOT our trainer but collects the money from all the medals in the bulgarian team !!! ”
As many of you already know, Krasimir Kostadinov wrote on facebook on 26 May 2018 a text (posted below) in which he explained that many bulgarian armwrestlers protested against Assen Hadjitodorov at the Bulgarian Nationals by not competing with right hand.
The names of the Bulgarian armwrestlers who are not allowed to compete at EuroArm 2018 although they were qualified to compete with the left hand (they took 1st or 2nd place at the Bulgarian nationals):
1. Dimitrina Dimitrova
2. Elbin Ferad
3. Jordan Conev
4. Umut Asan
5. Krasimir Kostadinov
6. Georgi Tsvetkov – he was told that he has to pay 300$ fine because he was caught with doping at 2015 WAC. But Georgi said he paid the same amount of 300$ last year.
I sent an email to Assen Hadjitodorov on 26 May 2018 asking for his point of view regarding what Krasimir wrote on facebook. He didn’t answered me yet, probably because of EuroArm 2018, but if I will ever get an answer from him I will make a new article with his response.
What I really think is important to be noted is that even the legend Cvetan Gashevski was one of the many Bulgarians who refused to compete with right arm as a protest towards Assen. Cvetan Gashevski is a legend in armwrestling and he needs no presentation. But Cvetan never received any money as a coach / trainer although he trained many world champions. And every year Cvetan goes with his team at important championships like EuroArm and he gives important advice to the Bulgarian team. Even this year he went there although he can’t compete. And from what I understand Cvetan doesn’t even want the money, he only wants for things to get better for all armwrestlers.
Krasimir Kostadinov on facebook (26 May 2018):
” Want to say something to everyone who is involved in the armwrestling world :
Asen Hadjitodorov is not the nice guy who pretends to be !!!
He is stealing from everything and from everybody in the armwrestling community !!!
Because of him me , Dimitrina Dimitrova (2 times world champion ) , Jordan Conev (vice world champion ) , Elbin Ferad (world junior champion ) will not pull at the europeans !!!
So , everyone who will vote at EAF and WAF elections should think again how good do you know Asen Hadjitodorov ???
There are many things which i know but can not prove . But there is one which i can and is the most important for me : In Bulgaria the government gives money for the trainers of the competitors . If i become european champion i take about 4300 $ . The government gives another 80 % of that amount for the trainer !!! I am competing in men classes from 2007 . I have never had trainer ! And never got any money(for being my own coach) ! From several years i have students which became world champions(Димитрина Димитрова , Божидар Симеонов, Sasho Dimitrov Andreev ,Elbin Ferad. Never got any money for being their trainer . In the Bulgarian federation is written a person for a trainer which i don’t even know !!! – He takes the money from everybody’s medals ( from all the competitors from all the clubs) .
At the nationals (about a month ago) we(many people from almost all the clubs in Bulgaria) went to speak to Asen about this .He answered : Now is not the moment , the place is not good for this kind of talk , you (me) are with t-shirt and i don’t know half of the people here !!! ( he knew almost everybody ) And he just went away ! Then i decided to don’t pull at the nationals with right arm (it was the next day) . Several people followed me and also didn’t pull . And he decided to don’t let us pull at the europeans !!! “