Igor Mazurenko: ” Судак рулит…. Ресторан Изюм Андрея Шаркова только все хорощое))) ”
Googe Translate: ” Walleye taxis …. Restaurant Raisin Andrew Sharkova only all horoschih))) “
Google Translate is not very good this time, but it’s something about a restaurant and Andrey Sharkoff. 🙂
At this point we all know that Denis Cyplenkov vs. Devon Larratt with doping test on 10 August 2013 in Russia will not happen.
But many people agreed that this kind of armfight / super match / vendetta should be organized by PAL – Professional Armwrestling League.
Let’s hope Igor Mazurenko is planning something, now that he visited Denis Cyplenkov who is in vacation after his victories from A1 Russian Open 2013.