Devon Larratt – facebook (2 August 2013, 14:58):
Much respect to Denis Cyplenkov for winning A1!24th of August, @ worldbararmwrestling championships.
Left hand match, best 3 out of 5
hotel is taken care of. Also would cover 1/2 of airfare.
5000$ wager or purse – (wager you could wear any clothing you want)
(Purse you would have to wear a sponsor t-shirt)
Drug testing is no longer mandatory, but available if requested.
Anyone who has direct contact with Denis, please inform myself or Marvin Cohen of his decision.
Thank you! “
Denis Cyplenkov – (3 August 2013, 09:26):
” Спасибо ему за поздравления!!!)объясните человеку в очередной раз что гнилые предложения меня не интересуют!!!я ему не давно писал об этом в теме!!! А еще я ему предлагал варианты более достойные чем у него!!! ”
Google Translate: ” Thank him for the congratulations!) Explain to the person again that rotten offers do not interest me! Him not long ago I wrote about this in the topic! And I offered him the options are more worthy than him! “
Denis Cyplenkov – vk (3 August 2013, 16:34):
” Ларрат! Я тебе в 3 раз объясняют что я в отпуске и на ставки бороться не буду !!! Так как мы отдыхаем решили позвать тебя в гости ! Проплатив при этом перелет , коттедж и питание в полном объеме , а не половину как вы !!! Ставки нам не нужны в отличии от вас и можешь приезжать в любой футболке !!! Так что собирай чемоданы и не забудь пояс Чемпиона !!! 10 августа ждем ! Будет допконтроль , но ты можешь отказаться , а я обязательно пройду !!! Ждем тебя с нетерпением !!! ”
Google Translate: ” Larrat! I’ll explain in the 3 times that I’m on vacation and will not fight bets! So we decided to have a rest to call you for a visit! Paid off with the flight, cabin and meals in full and not half as you! Bet we do not need as opposed to you and you can come to any t-shirt! So pack your bags and do not forget Time Champion! August 10 waiting for you! Will dopkontrol, but you can give, and I will pass! We are waiting for you to look forward to! “
Google Translate is not very good this time, but a facebook user named Aleksa Vojvoda (a fan of Alexey Voevoda) made a better translation on Devon Larratt’s facebook wall:
Aleksa Vojvoda ► Devon Larratt (4 August 2013, 01:09):
” Devon Larratt,I was on Denis official page and asked him about his fight with you in Las Vegas.He said that he can’t come,and ask you to come to Russia on 10 AUGUST.You will have free flying to Russia and place to stay.There will be a doping control,that he will pass,and you if you want.He also said: “Don’t forget Championship belt”.They said that they waiting for you.To see all post about you go to his official page. “
And this is the Devon Larratt’s answer to Denis Cyplenkov’s proposal (for 10 August 2013) :
Devon Larratt – facebook (4 August 2013, 02:41):
” I would be very interested in this anyone who can make it happen, send me a pm “
Devon Larratt is now waiting for the details of the offer, he is waiting to be contacted:
Devon Larratt ► Armwrestling John – Engin (4 August 2013, 18:32):
” i will accept the challenge. let me talk to the promoter to sort out my flights. If this is a real offer, someone needs to talk to me.
I need to know some details. I am out for 4-5 hours, if there is credibility behind the challenge, you can state all the specifics on here, and i will check when i get back. “
Devon Larratt ► Armwrestling John – Engin (4 August 2013, 21:55):
” I still have no real information at this time. I am wondering if there is any credibility behind the offer. If it is real it needs to happen very quickly..
what is the offer exactly “
Denis Cyplenkov – vk (5 August 2013):
” Он отказался!!!его не устроили условия!!!за бесплатно он бороться не будет!!! ”
Google Translate: ” He refused! Was not satisfied with the terms! Away for free, he will not fight! “
Vagan Dzhilavyan – facebook (7 August 2013):
Alexey Tokarev write on the wall Denis, read the comments on the page Larrata about a possible fight with Dennis. Many wrote that Denis is afraid to fly in the U.S., and many want to see the dope test both. About, that he was afraid to fly – so they naively the uptake, fools.
Denis comments: ” Since when is a armfight among professionals, attention is drawn to dope! If the problem is just that! Let us negotiate and it immediately!! I did not fly because that humiliating offers! But he did not fly too well, though he offered a simple and best option!
On the humiliating offer! Type-three weeks! Floor ticket! And bids! Let looking for another sucker! Larrat even said that the fight will not be free!, And where is the logic?? “
See also ► Jodi Wood Larratt about the Denis Cyplenkov vs. Devon Larratt on 10 August 2013 in Russia
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Would be a Great fight,,,, Devon Larratt all the way…
Would be a Great fight,,,, Devon Larratt all the way…
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